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Old 06-19-2015, 06:05 PM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
Posts: 3,553
Don't Go to the Reunion, 2013. 7/10

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Okay, first 10 minutes into this film I was why the fuck am I watching this?!? The high schoolers were like 30 years old looking.... lol worked! This was fucking awesome! This was fun, the kills were cool and all practical.

HS kids ;) lol pull a prank on the loner dude who LOVES horror movies....well 10 years later there is a reunion and you can guess what happens, or can you?

Domain of the Damned, 2007. 6/10

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American Backwoods; Slew Hampshire, 2013.

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Pernicious, 2015. 5/10

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Nice gore effects but not nearly enough, annoying pretty girls and the usual fare story wise.

Out on VOD today if interested.

Children of a Darker Dawn, 2012. 7/10.

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Written and directed by Jason Figgis. I had corresponded with him many times when I first opened my forum. He gave me a screener through FB messages but alas I lost that account so I never watched this..until now on Amazon Prime.

Ireland. A virus of some sort attacks only the parents of children/teens and of course the world falls apart and the children have to make it on their own. The parents go mad and then their bodies break down and they die. They never infected the children, its not walkingdeadesque.

I really liked this and as it went on I grew quite fond of it. The dialog was fierce, back and fourth, back and fourth. That was interesting and of course the accents are amazing. There were some amazing scenes but it ran at a very slow pace but I welcomed that. : )

Great job Jason on this film, wonderfully done.

Danny Collins, 2015, 8/10.

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Amazing , beautiful and Al Pacino is fantastic but isn't he always?!?

When the credits run at the end, if you choose to see this, keep watching to see the real Danny and the letter from the movie. Its a beautiful story, we can spend decades messing up or messing about our life and then we wake up and realize, this just got real!.....and the changes you make in your life can take you on a strange and beautiful journey.

Lennon's songs played throughout the movie, if life could be lived through a John Lennon song..... Peace. :)
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