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Old 05-17-2019, 06:02 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
The Flash, season finale.

This show...I like it...I think it's risen past the quality of Arrow, though it does suffer for creative and actually interesting villains.
I get it. Can't just be speedsters all the time...the only thing is though? All the ones that haven't been, say last seasons Deveux, and "cicada" aren't uninteresting on their own...but it seems like they make their storylines overly long and involved, and I always get pretty bored of them.

Good episode though. Some feels. Some danger. Decent resolution.
Some ends. Some beginnings.
...and most importantly, he's back...
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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