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Old 12-04-2018, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Morningriser View Post
Yeah I really don't understand the point of this either. I mean I finished out the season because I figured that was The Whispers And I wanted to see how they brought them into it but yeah, we see Rick Grimes fly by and a helicopter and then suddenly Judith is the same age Carl was when all of this started. Seems legit... and in this for years time he never came back but we are supposed to believe he is still alive?

And I feel like once it starts back we are going to be right back at square one. I mean in the comics Negan sides with everyone to take out the Whispers so I assume that's what's going to happen now and he will be a good guy at least until they are gone but otherwise I am sure we are going to be going back to hearing Maggie talk half the episode about how the world is ours in her weird Georgia Peach accent and have Ezekiel, talkin like he's auditioning for Monty Python and the Holy Grail, going on about his motivational speeches. My point is this show is pretty much over.

And if they are just going to keep killing random characters, why can't they at least kill people no one gives a fuck about like Erin or Henry or Rosita or Enid or someone who the fans don't connect with and start to like. I mean was taking the star of the entire series from us three episodes earlier not enough?

And one more thing actually, is baby Herschel supposed to be dead now? I mean I haven't seen him since the time lapse unless I just missed him. I haven't heard anyone talk about him either.
Well, sorry you guys aren't digging it anymore. I'm still enjoying it.

Not sure about baby Herschel. I forgot all about him. I didn't even remember if he survived Maggie's distress during the initial Negan reveal. If he's alive, he must be with Maggie at Georgie's. The show it definitely going through some character changes.

But if you'll forgive me, as I'm still digging TWD, I'm trying to avoid hearing about spoilers coming from the comics and the TV interview shows, neither of which I've read/watched. I don't remember where I heard it, but I didn't want to know Rick was leaving this season. I foolishly read a clearly marked spoiler that was a theory about the Whisperers from the comic. I won't do that again.

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