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Old 12-01-2009, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by The3rd View Post
Kathy (Monalisa) suffered with depression. She also did not have the ability to handle the daily stress and anxiety that many of us do not even think about. Many nights she could not sleep because she could not stop thinking about all the things in her life and the lives of others. She internalized a lot of stress and would often get an upset stomach, for this she would take over the counter antacid products. She started to drink more and more around 2002/2003.

She had a hysterectomy because of other medical problems around 2004/2005 after this her depression and anxiety worsened so she drank more. She sought help with the depression and anxiety from the medical community and they tried different drugs, none seemed to help much. She was drinking more and more daily when her mother passed away around 2006. They were very close and the loss deeply affected her. By this time she was drinking about a liter a day of Blackberry Brandy. The loss of our dog BenGee deepened her depression, he was 17 years old and she loved him more than anything. Her father passed away in 2008, this worsened the depression and drinking…..

Drinking such large quantities of alcohol also causes other physical pain for this she would take over the counter pain medication, Tylenol, Aleve, Aspirin and others…She had many stomach problems because of everything and was taking Prilosec (from the doctors) and Zantac. The doctors prescribed more and different drugs, Seroquel is one I remember that was used to try and help. They also prescribed sleeping aids and they had their own problems. Ambien was one that caused many bad problems.

She keep her drinking and other problems from her doctors and almost all who knew her as I have found, she was a private person in this respect. Her brother and I tried to get her help for drinking but she would not. I had no legal means to force this as we were not married. Her drinking was a source for much stress in our relationship and because of my forceful instance that she get treatment she moved out in 2008. We talked almost daily after and tried to do things together but plans often got cancelled for one reason or another.

On 11/20/09 she called me and asked if I could take care of her dog Solo because she had to go into the hospital for a low potassium condition. When she came by to drop off Solo I noticed Kathy was yellow, puffy looking and really sick. She was admitted into the ICU cardiac part of the hospital. They were very concerned about the low potassium. She also had liver and kidney failure with a stomach infection. She seemed to improve thru the week but got worse over Thanksgiving. She passed away on 11/29/09.

Coming to this board was one of the things that I remembered that made her happy.
damn.....sorry for your loss.
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