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Old 07-22-2019, 04:56 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
Some of our older members...what do you think of this?

The show never came out here, but my daughter has watched the kind of "junior" spiritual successor "Daniel Tiger", which I'm sure only loosely compares.
The more I've seen about this guy, the more...I realise he's kind of a product of a bygone era, which is depressing. Seemed like an honestly nice guy.
Tom Hanks...well...doesn't look a huge lot like him, but it's really hard to say that he's not totally nailing it in terms of channeling the guy. In my mind, he's a pretty good choice. Thoughts?

Here you go, more Picard, M:

Raises a few questions...Who's the girl? Is humanity somehow enslaved, or have no "real" outside? What's happened since? Is that Data? B4? An illusion in Picards head? A holodeck simulation? What name will "she" go by now? I'm...actually really hanging for this, they have the opportunity to do something amazing here.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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