Thread: Hello
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Old 04-19-2019, 08:40 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 2,014
I don't think he's coming back, nor do I give a shit. Not long after he left here, he commented on one of my YouTube videos referencing things I was talking about here at the time going on with my grandfather and saying shit like it's no wonder my family hates me blah blah blah. He never said his name but his username was similar to the name he uses on PSN.

I never try to be mean to the guy, but he was just quite overwhelming with all the messaging everywhere all pertaining to the exact same thing. I know I'm awesome and sexually irresistible to both men and women, but I'm just not in the guys, and I think I might have given him the wrong idea or something and when I told him to back off he took it the wrong way. Who knows? Who cares?
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