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Old 03-28-2012, 11:14 AM
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Slutty Slutty is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Duncan, Oklahoma
Posts: 42
This is a subject that I can never get excited about. I like Carrie... why does it need to be remade? I pretty much consider Hollywood cinema to be dead. Continuing to remake older movies and classics, making movie adaptations of things that should not have them, or my least favorite... Making American versions of foreign films like 3 months after they come out to dumb it down for us Americans or make it in english because that's the only language that matters apparently. Trust me I won't be watching this. I can't support complete unoriginality. To give you an idea, when I saw this video, I lost all hope for Hollywood ever redeeming themselves. Sorry for the rant, just really boils me when I see things like this. lol
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