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Old 05-08-2018, 02:43 AM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
You don't need to see Homecoming. Save yourself. I haven't seen Infinity yet, but it can't possibly have anything to Homecoming. I doubt Ragnor Rock will either.
Except for the major characters, their development and the mandatory smattering of in-jokes and backwards referencing Marvel puts in absolutely everything?
Also some changes happened to some of the characters throughout these films, and a couple were introduced that will likely be seen in at least some way.

That said...While I wasn't in love with Ragnarok, it was a solid action title,

Homecoming (which annoys me that Spider-man is now in his third big screen incarnation and has still not left high school) for me was one of the best Spider-man films there has been. Not quite Spider-Man 2, but puts Spider-Man 3 and both of the "Amazing" titles absolutely in the dirt.
Michael Keaton fucking smashes his part as usual, and end up playing quite a well written version of a popular villain that you can actually sympathise with.
It's at very least, worth a hire - just my take but you're missing out if you don't see it.

I hope they'll actually let the kid GROW UP in the MCU...
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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