Thread: Game Of Thrones
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Old 07-19-2018, 11:51 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
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Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho View Post
Yeah I too realized while watching it how it reflects on the kind of things that really went on in the dark ages like incest and murder. It definitely wasn't your Lord of the Rings type of fantasy setting.

But I just don't like TV shows that are as grim and cynical as Game of Thrones or American Horror Story. I mean I feel bad enough about the world around me and I like watching TV to escape from reality. I don't need a TV show to remind me of just how disgusting and cruel humans can be.
AHS does it for shock value though while GOT uses it as the unfortunate backdrop for the times. For example they go into great detail about how outside the castle walls of King's Landing is so over saturated with filth you can literally only smell shit and cum. It isn't meant to be pleasant, it's a terrifying world to live in and these are just examples of why it is so terrifying.
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