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Old 11-24-2018, 04:42 AM
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DeadbeatAtDawn DeadbeatAtDawn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Extreme Horror Cinema
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My buddy from Australia:

gunsrazorsknives 'Straya
The House That Jack Built - 3/5

Not the home run I thought it would be. It's too slow for starters, and while Matt Dillion gives a good performance, his Jack isn't a very interesting character. This is Von Triers version of American Psycho, complete with black comedy but boredom does creep in, and the more obscure elements won't go over with mainstream audiences. There's cringy violence, but nothing on the level that the Cannes pearl clutchers claimed to be, and a sequence involving a couple of kids and a rifle will surely make jaws drop. Long movies can still be engaging as Suspiria proves, but Von Trier stumbles and it becomes more of a house of cards.
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