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Old 03-15-2019, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post
So...has anyone heard about this?

Opening weekend the movie is meant to have done quite well.
At the same time, there was people posting pictures from inside Captain Marvel sessions...and the cinemas are pretty empty?

There's been some (cinema) insiders claiming that for every session "x-amount" of tickets have been pre-purchased, for sessions that have been left relatively empty, and nobody has claimed any of these tickets for refund.
Another insider who wanted to remain anonymous said that in his smell cinema, for every session at least 25 of these no-show tickets had occurred. Again. No refund.

That and the weirdness that's been going on with a lot of cinemas on opening weekend bringing showings of all other films down to a bare minimum, or in some cases, cancelling all other sessions.

So the theory is, Disney may have been both coercing cinemas into making it largely the "only film available, and manipulating the box office perception of this movie on opening weekend as a face saving move.
I mean, not sure how this would help them if it's true, this is really not good.
Who would be purchasing these tickets where 25 folks wouldn't show and not get refund??? Disney? That's a lot of money to spend just to have it announced Marvel was had a good opening weekend... unless the Marvel project was still trying to take in investors, which I don't think happens at this point. Of course Disney wants to keep Disney stock up (and sell more), but I'm not sure how much would really hinge on one film's opening weekend... Some, but not to spend millions on buying tickets, I wouldn't think.

I think there's naturally a fair number of no shows, and people just don't get the refund before the show starts, or never if it's too late to get a refund. Just guessing.

But it would be interesting if there was something to Disney pressuring theatres to remove film competition. Again, I don't see Disney giving them money for that... Plus I don't think Disney produces such a great percentage of films that they could scare theatre chains into doing this.

Last edited by Sculpt; 03-15-2019 at 03:27 PM.
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