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Old 12-08-2014, 09:44 PM
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Baron Von Marlon Baron Von Marlon is offline
Evil Sweat
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 1,360
Finished the first season and I think it's great.
Two episodes were a bit less but that's still 11 outta 13 good ones. The series also has a good pace.
Characters are basic but interesting enough. Just like the storyline.
Acting's better than average. Writing's alright.
Less drama than The Walking Dead and more action and humour.
The series doesn't take itself too serious and I like that. They made a reference to Romero. And another one to Sharknado.
And they call zombies zombies or z's. Because that's what they are.
Instead of,
read the following sentence in a southern accent and like you're out of breath,
"We call 'em walkers..." and everybody just goes along with calling them that because hey, it's related to the name of the show.
They do the same in Z-Nation but to me it makes more sense when they do it =)

Anyway, if you like zombie action with some dry humour, you'll probably like Z-Nation.
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