Thread: "bad" classics
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Old 05-29-2008, 08:24 AM
James Whale James Whale is offline
Living Dead
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 92
I appreciate and actually enjoy classics.

I think the point being made here is "Do we pretend to like old classic films to get credibility?" No, I don't. I love THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN and appreciate it. Some of the younger fans only need a little prep. Someone who has a knowledge of classic horror giving them hints of what to look for.With a little study, even someone who is very young can do way more then "appreciate" a classic.; they can truly enjoy it! It's important to put a classic in context. For example , the classics of the 50's were made during a time of paranoia about communism and the atom bomb. Many of these films had mutated monsters created by exposure to radioactivity. Many of these films also had people who looked like everybody else but were actually pod people. These films were examples of the paranoid McCarthy era. Someone could look like your best friend, but could actually be a communst spy! Putting these film in context can make watching them way more then an academic exercise. Context can make watching classics FUN! These films are not something that you should feel obligated to watch. They are time capsules of frights and flights of fancy.
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