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Old 01-22-2016, 12:53 PM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 2,014
The Earth rumbled and the rain fell harder than ever. The dounds of frail whiispers came from every direction in the sky but nothing could be seen even when lightning struck. Superman took to the sky and used his heat vision to light up the night as he let out of a shout the equivelant of a sonic boom. In hardly no time at all the dark silhouette of Doomsday was seen charging towards Superman and many other shadowy figures were seen not far behind giving chase. Suddenly Superman ascends to the ground as a massive metal beast takes to the sky. It is Venom. He rams into Doomsday full blast and uses hooks and straps to dig into DD's skin.

The others watch on from the ground as Venom is able to overpower DD and push through the nearly endless sea of approaching symbiotes. Eventually the two begin slowing down as the symbiotes begin trying to latch on. "They will never make it into space" said Green Lantern. He and Iron Man both take to the sky to help them Venom and Doomsday break free.

On the ground, Luthor and Banner keep an eye on the radar. Suddenly two objects appear approaching fast. It is Sinestro and Black Adam who begins to give chase to Venom and Doomsday.

"They need more help!" said Luthor. Bruce Banner then looks to Spiderman and remembers his connection to the symbiotes and suggests getting him up there as well but no one knew how to do it but sudden Batman reappears in the Batwing and Spiderman gets inside. The two begin heading to the clouds. Eventually everyone has flown out of the black storm and have reached an area in the sky where it has become daylight.

Venom and Doomsday begin to approach the end of the atmosphere when Venom hits a new set of jets on his suit that blasts the two even faster. By now Iron Man and Green Lantern are fighting with Sinestro and Black Adam and they too are approaching the atmosphere. Suddenly Sinestro and Black Adam begin to somehow seperate themselves from their symbiotes. The two symbiotes have now abandoned them and joined the chase towards Venom. The number of symbiotes are becoming too strong for Venom to fight and the jets on his suit begin to malfunction. He and Doomsday begin to fall but suddenly the Batwing swoops in and they land on top of it. Venom is seen trying to restart the jets as the Batwing leaves Earth's atmosphere and enters space with the symbiotes still all following.

The Batwing continues flying towards the sun and Venom continues working on the jets as Batman and Spiderman try to reassure each other they will all survive.

Doomsday is weakened but begins to regain some of his strength and tries to fight off Venom as they approach the sun. Suddenly Venom gets an idea. The part of his suit that is attached to Doomsday is also the part with the jets. Suddenly the jets start to work again and Venom and Doomsday go flying off the Batwing. The two are flying straight towards the sun and at the speed they are going are only seconds away when Venom ejects himself from the jets and begins floating off into space but is quickly caught by the Batwing. He, Batman and Spiderman watch as Doomsday flies right into the sun and all of the symbiotes following do the same.

The Batwing returns to Earth to find all the rain and darkness to be gone. They land at SHIELD headquarters and find everyone else there waiting for them to congratulate them on saving the planet. Batman asks about what happened to Black Adam and Sinestro but no one saw them. It didn't matter though, everyone was able to relax in knowing that the symbiotes were all destroyed.

The End
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