Thread: Miracle Workers
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Old 01-31-2019, 10:27 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
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The thing about Big Bang Theory is it's one of those shows you have to watch some episodes consecutively for it to pull you in and give you a chance to get to know the characters because on the surface, Sheldon just seems like an absolute weirdo, which he kind of is but just extremely socially awkward with hardcore OCD, but a lot of people just watch one or two episodes and take it at face value and leave it at that. The characters are actually quite complex and well-written. I mean I love all of the nerdy stuff in it since I'm a nerd as is and it's just funny because the characters remind me a lot of myself if you take away the fact that I'm not a highly regarded scientist or doctor or anything like that but I think it is a great show and unlike a lot of the other stupid shit on television where they imply it's okay to lie or to cheat from time to time as long as nobody finds out about it and it's the benefit yourself, like King of the Hill kind of did to a generation of growing children, and the humor goes anywhere from lighthearted to a tad bit on the raunchy side, but overall it's hilarious and a Perfect Blend.

I might give miracle workers a shot since it's a miniseries and since Steve Buscemi is God, but I'm not getting my hopes up until I see the first episode at least. It might surprise me, I mean I went into this last season of American Horror Story worried it would be another stinker like Roanoke or go bad halfway through like cult but it actually turned out to be my favorite season yet!
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