Thread: The Witch
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Old 03-15-2020, 07:09 PM
Abishai100 Abishai100 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 117
Exclamation Chapter 2: The Mud

Hazel decided to visit Romania and evaluate vampire cults and folklore and how they developed since the days of Count Dracula. She encountered various pagan groups in the colorful and unusual country. Hazel found a bizarre witch named Rae who was working on a new kind of torture involving mud. Rae would grab vagrants in Romania, usually men, and see if they could be tempted to roll around and play in mud pits while in a euphoric state induced by her homemade hallucinogenic potions. Rae would give her subjects her mind-potion and trick them into thinking a good roll in the mud would induce fantastic sensual experience, and at the height of their joy, Rae the Romanian witch would murder them with her scimitar blade.

HAZEL: What's the purpose of this mud murder, Rae?
RAE: My victims are immersed in the pit of earthen filth!
RAE: I want Romanians to appreciate the value of Earth!
HAZEL: So, what's the real message, witch?
RAE: Mud reminds us of the tangibility of madness!
HAZEL: You're a prophetess of insanity.
RAE: Mud is as rich as blood, Hazel.

Hazel the witch decided to observe Rae the witch as she created terrible ordeals for her unsuspecting victims in Romanian mud. Hazel would pose as Rae's associate and claim she was studying the human response to mind states altered in the colored country of Romania, but when Rae engaged in her murderous attacks on her victims seduced into playing liberally in mud pits, the victims wondered in Hazel was basically a witness to human fear and was therefore studying the insanity of spiritual agony!

Of course, Hazel had another motive for following around the darker witch Rae. Hazel wanted to see the response of everyday Romanians who happened to be vagrants, daredevils, and delinquents as they felt the cruel hand of the dark witch Rae. Would these victims feel their experience in mud pits reflected a sensual discovery of both play and purgatory? Hazel had to be sure that this deranged symbolic activity by the dark witch Rae symbolized an important human feeling of complete desolation! After all, mud reminded the mind of the realism of death.

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