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Old 01-24-2004, 03:45 PM
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PsychoticPanda PsychoticPanda is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 239
The original was alright. Worth buying, I guess. Given the fact that I like early 90's B-rated horror movies. :)

They're just so funny. I guess the reason why the remake didn't scare me, is cause I've seen so many other movies like it, and sort of think of them as comedies now. I didn't like that they changed up the ending, but I was kind of dissapointed the first time I saw the original, and Barbera died. Because it kind of started out with her. And I didn't like that the Candyman turned into a zombie at the end of the remake.

The original scared me, because I saw it at night, and black and white movies are creepy. At the moment, anyway. They have no after effect to me.

Well, the original scared me, too, I guess. Because right after it, I watched half of The Shining, then went to bed. :)
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