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Old 02-17-2019, 03:14 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
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ST: Discovery...cancelled or what?

So what's happening with Disco then?

Have they officially called it cancelled?

I noticed the episode that went up on netlix last (season 2, episode 5? I think) is now being called the "season finale", after having more than double that in the first season.

Guy who's playing Pike made some tweet implying he was out of the job.

No news on a third season, or a pick up of any kind.

It's kind of too bad if it's fucked off...I like the fact I think that it's the first time a show like Star Trek has went in a new direction that I've actually thought was for the better.
I mean not every episode was absolute gold, and there's one or two characters I could stand to lose...but still.

I'd say a bit of lash-out from Star Trek purist nerds might have given this one trouble, sadly it seems like they'd rather "more of the same", or nothing, the amount I've heard the bitchy little weiners carry on about this one.

Ah well, more sci-fi killed before it's time. Huge surprise.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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