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Old 05-24-2019, 11:05 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088

This was, in my mind quite a competent (especially for the first timer) and somewhat unique "horror" film...though I'm not sure I'd call it all out horror.
Perhaps phychological horror?
Managed to establish a fairly tense and uncomfortable atmosphere even before things get "weird", with the use of musical score and some of the camera work.
Filmed in some really nice scenery too.
The first hypnotism scene itself was well done quite full on, and the exposure to the "method" that the audience got almost puts you in a bit of a relaxed state too which I found clever.
What was *actually* going on was quite unexpected...I had thought it to be much more simplistic than it ended up being. Nicely done.

I could always tell from some of the Key and Peele sketches that the guys were a little bit horror influenced, but to be honest I wasn't expecting to like this movie as much as I did, at all.
Yes the main character/victim is black.
Yes the antagonists are white, but it never comes across as a pro black/anti white type movie...It actually treats the whole race thing with a little bit of levity and that fun awkwardness on both sides, though yeah for those that have called it a propaganda movie? No.

If you guys haven't seen it yet...I'd recommend it for those that are after something a little fresh and different.

For those that *have* seen both this, and Key & Peele?
The hypnotism scene. The "sunken place"...I have to say the only thing that kept coming to mind when he was floating through space?
"I said biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch"
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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