Thread: Basket Case
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Old 11-14-2003, 07:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Basket Case is a good obscure 80's horror film. Henenlotter always had a great passion for unconventional filmmaking tackling all sorts of real human issues such as love, fear, and addiction in his sometimes bizarre films. This film and Brain Damage are great examples of that. I love the new limited edition Brain Damage disc. Synapse did a great transfer and the fact that it's the unrated version adds some gory elements back in. You could label his films as cheesy but I could only partially agree with that. I find them "different", inventive, full of dark humor and overall entertaining. Anyone know if the Something Weird Video DVD for this film (Basket Case) is any good? I have heard it's a bad company but I want to buy this movie. Good choice in bringing up this film "avenger". I think 3 is the better of the sequels though I agree I'd only recommend the 1st.
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