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Old 10-10-2009, 02:34 PM
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ferretchucker ferretchucker is offline
Ziggy Played Guitar
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Part 6

Opening credits roll. Fade to a shot of the town, looking slightly different. It's less developed. The woods are thicker and larger. It's very early morning, with the sun just beginning to rise. The sky is clear, free of all clouds. A caption appears at the bottom of the screen.

"Herrerville - Sunday, October 31st 1967"

Fade to an outside shot of the church. There are no electric light inside, but bright torches burn along the walls. Fade inside. Three men are sitting on wooden chairs at the front of the hall. One of them is wearing jeans and a poncho. Her hair is blonde and flows freely. She has pure white skin and barely looks twenty. This is Miss Macabre.

Miss Macabre: I made the crucifix's last night. I had to do it really quietly or else Dad would have heard.

She takes three crucifix's out of a small bag. The ends of them have been sharpened down into spikes.

Miss Macabre: That's why the edges are still quite rou-

One of the other people snatches one of the weapons off her. He is a holy man, wearing a priest's outfit. He looks to be about forty, with short hair and sunken eyes. He has a large rash up the side of his face. This is Paul The Monk. He inspects the crucifix carefully.

Paul the Monk: Yes...yes, this should do very nicely. The retribution will go ahead.

He smiles slightly, and raises his fist triumphantly, yet uncertainly, like he is very nervous. He itches his rash, and every few seconds looks over his shoulder as though he thinks somebody is there. The third person reaches slowly and purposefully to the crucifix's, takes one and looks at it. He is the creepiest of all of them. He wears a black suit with a white tie. His skin is a slightly red colour and his hair has strips of white in it. Strangest of all, the whites of his eyes are a deadly shade of purple. This is Dante's Inferno.

Dante: This...could do. However, I had hoped that you would at least make the points smoother. We don't want them to get stuck, after all.

Miss Macabre: My apologies.

She glares angrily at him, and takes out an apple from the bag, taking a big bite out of it. She talks whilst the juices slip down her jaw.

Miss Macabre: But I'm sure you'll be fine with those large muscles of yours!

Paul The Monk: Listen here. If you two continue this bickering I'll do the retribution myself. Christ's will be done, no matter what!

Miss Macabre lifts her apple into the air triumphantly and shakes slightly in her chair. Her legs are folded on it; she is barefooted.

Dante: Remind me of the time.

Paul The Monk: Same time as always. You think I'd change it? I'm not stupid you know!

He suddenly looks very agitated.

Paul The Monk: I was told not to arouse suspicion!

Dante still looks very calm.

Dante: Of God.

Paul The Monk: I sincerely hope you are not mocking me.

The two glare at each other for a moment, then Miss Macabre breaks the silence.

Miss Macabre: I'm going to take a kip before we begin!

She walks to the wooden pews and lays down, falling asleep almost instantly.

Paul the Monk: You are doing this for the reasons we agreed, I hope?

Dante: Of course. I'll be back in time for the, er...retribution.

He stifles a laugh. Fade to a shot of the outside of the church. People are walking in. It is light now, the sun shining brightly on the town. It looks more like Summer than Autumn. Fade to the inside of the church. The torches are still lit. Paul The Monk is standing at the front, addressing the people sitting down, among them are Miss Macabre and Dante.

Paul The Monk: So often, men in my position stand here and preach to you about the suffering of Christ. The pain he went through to save you from sin. And yet...the world carries on doing what it does. Criminals run rampant through the streets. Why, only last week that poor young girl was found in a gutter, robbed of that which was held so dearly.

A murmur goes through the crowd.

Paul The Monk: Why, oh why do people choose to overlook his suffering? The pain he went through is unbearable, indescribable, I can talk to you all together and it will never sink in. It pains me to say that the only ones who realize what Christ went through do not linger with us long enough to describe it. It is only those who die that learn. Only those who die whose eyes are opened!

People begins looking around uncomfortable with what Paul is saying. He walks forward to somebody in one of the front rows.

Paul The Monk: I wish I could let you all know what he went through. But I can't. No, only a few people will learn today...maybe the rest of you could begin to understand when you...see.

Another murmur goes through the crowd. This time, a man ushers his family up from the back and they go to the door, but as they try to push it open, they find that it is locked. Paul is directly in front of an old woman now. She is in her best clothes, and looks very worried. He smiles slightly at her.

Paul The Monk: Let the retribution...begin!

He pulls one of the wooden crucifix's from his pocket and drives it into the old lady's collar bone. She shrieks in terror as blood spurts from thw wound when he pulls it out. At the same time, Miss Macabre stabs her crucifix into a young teenage boy next to her's head.

Miss Macabre: Be free baby brother! Be free!

She squeals in delight. People rise from their seat in terror and run to the door, but as they do, Dante runs in front on them and drives the crucifix first into the man who tried to open the door earlier, then his wife. The young girl with them screams and runs, but he follows, diving. From over the pews, all Paul can see is blood splashing up from where Dante is stabbing the girl. He says nothing, instead, he stands and runs up to an old man who was attempting to climb to a window by standing on the pipe organ. Dante pulls him off. He shouts out as he falls.

Man: No!

The man's head hits the tough floor, cracking open. Paul sees this and shouts out.


A young man picks up a bible and runs towards Paul, rising it over his head ready to bash Paul, but Paul simply outstretches his arm, driving the crucifix into the man's ribs. The bible drops onto his head. Miss Macabre runs from the bodies of a family, blood covering her face. She licks her lips and she rushes towards the rabble trying to break down the door.


The man she is running at hurriedly tears a toddler boy from his mother's arms and throws him at her. She delights in driving the crucifix into the boy's back.

Miss Macabre: I'm saving you! STAY STILL!

Dante has abandoned his crucifix and is instead strangling a large woman in the corner. He drops her to the ground, and she breathes in deeply. Seeing she is still alive, Dante stamps on her head, smashing her skull open. Paul The Monk sees this and yells out. At that moment, the doors break open and the people flood out. Miss Macabre follows, screaming in delight.

Paul The Monk: NO! THIS IS ALL WRONG!!!

He runs at Dante who turns just in time to see him. Dante punches Paul in the face, stunning him for a moment. Dante lifts the priest up.

Paul The Monk: You will have no place in Heaven!

Dante: Oh, go to Hell!

Dante throws Paul into the wall, hitting one of the still lit torches. Paul falls to the floor, and his gown sets on fire. He screams in pain. Dante laughs and turns to start killing more people. Paul stands and runs at Dante, the crucifix in his hand outstretched. He drives it into the back of Dante's neck, at an angle do it goes into his head. Dante falls to the floor, dead. Paul tries to roll on the floor, but it is too late, the flames are too strong. He screams as he lays dying on the ground.

Paul The Monk: FREE ME!!!

Outside the church and quite far down the road, Miss Macabre is spinning, dancing over the body of a Lollipop man. A young woman is on the floor, having been pushed over. She stands and runs. A few men rush Miss Macabre, pulling the crucifix from her hands and pinning her to the floor. She yells out profanities in anger, and spits at the ground. A car round the corner up ahead. It slows down for a moment. The driver is obscured by the sunlight hitting the windscreen. Without warning, the car suddenly accelerates. The men pinning down Miss Macabre run away. The girl calmly stands up, standing where she is. She holds her arms out, palms facing the car.

Miss Macabre: You will sto-

The car smashes into her, launching her into the air. She falls hard to the pavement. The car speeds off. A "spinning newspaper" has the headline "THE TUESDAY MASSACRE". There are pictures of Miss Macabre, Dante and Paul The Monk. Underneath, the caption says "Killers all killed only moments into the dreadful event!"

The screen fades to black. It shows the church again, looking slightly different.

"October 31st - 2009"

Another priest is in the church, collecting up hymn books. The doors of the church blow open, and for a split second, a whisper can be heard.

Whisper: Retribution...

The Priest looks around, very worried. He shakes his head and continues collecting books.

Ending credits roll.

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