Thread: The Chucky doll
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Old 03-13-2019, 06:36 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

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First of all, you're completely insane.
There could be a percentage.

Second, the doll is possessed by an entity, like how a spirit moves a planchette on a ouija board. The doll is still the doll. No change in weight. If that weren't the case, the doll would have changed to flesh and blood, or they'd discover it was really a robot.
I get that - but...the doll doesn't come with blood...this kind of happens over time as he's becoming human. Doll would mainly be hollow, right? Not a moving parts doll aside from the face. It'd be pretty "empty", but...when he's bleeding out the nose, or say when his hand gets ripped off in Childs Play 2, it all lends itself to the idea that the doll contains more corporeal mass, no?

What's the strength of the entity moving the doll? Just what you see in the movie... looks like average human stregth.
So average guy = Average guy worth of strength in a doll. It would probably throw a pretty good punch then. This one was the most likely for me. Like "man strength" compressed into a doll.

The entity thinks it's only the doll... If the entity runs into Morpheus, he'd ask it, 'Do you really think it's air you're breathing right now? Comeon!
You're faster than this!' Then Chucky would become as strong as the Hulk, fast as Flash and start to fly like Tinker Bell.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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