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Old 03-27-2019, 07:15 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
The first say, 5 episodes.

I remember loving this show (til the last couple seasons including the "new" cast)
...and while the main character (JD) can be a little grating at times, it's just a great watch.
Heartfelt and funny, and for as surreal as it can be, definitely throws measures of "real" in too. It's actually quite well written for a comedy of this type, and at a glance you'd think it was just, all buffoonery...but there's depth too.

It's funny to think, even based on these first few episodes that this was created/written by the same guy that later gave us the pretty lacklustre "cougar town" wouldn't think so.

Good show. Nice sitting down to it. Very easy watch.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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