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Old 10-18-2018, 06:47 PM
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Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho View Post
See I don't think that in a real zombie apocalypse there would be "settlements" of human survivors living in walled cities. I mean for one thing when exactly would the humans find the time to build the walls with swarms of zombies attacking everywhere? And I don't think that there would be enough survivors to even have settlements because most everybody would either be already dead or infected.

I think Day of the Dead showed a more realistic portrayal of the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. It would most likely be a few scattered groups of people hiding out in shelters like the military guys and scientists in that movie.
They would be isolated away from other groups of survivors and have to live on whatever supplies they had. If they ran out of supplies I think it's possible that they would raid abandoned stores for supplies but that would be taking a huge risk.

Also I agree that melee weapons would realistically work better in a zombie apocalypse than guns. Guns run out of ammo and it's actually very hard to shoot a target in the head from a distance (which is the only way to kill a zombie).

I think something sturdy and hard like a baseball bat or crowbar would work best. Like in the beginning of Night of the Living Dead when Ben was using a tire iron and Barbara picked up a fire poker.
I think, like in Walking Dead, the cities would be overrun, run out of supplies fast, but in the rural areas, with lots of space, there's infrequent zombies here or there, or big swarms that come through. You'd go out for supplies here and there, and otherwise, you have a fair degree of self sufficiency, some big gardens or outright farms. That's the world of Walking Dead.

Last edited by Sculpt; 10-18-2018 at 06:49 PM.
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