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Old 05-16-2016, 03:02 AM
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bats bats is offline
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Posts: 31
i don't know if it is bad enough to be desurving of that title but i am very much not a fan of that trailer and i hope that the movie is better than the trailer looks. i was looking forward to the movie because i grew up with the originals and i don't think it needs a sequel or remake but if they are going to do it i think havng a female cast is a good way to set it apart from the other two movies and it's not like you can just bring back the original cast since egon has passed away and bill murray doesn't want to be part of it so that leaves winston who is great and ray who is fun but that is not enough for another movie. so if they are going to do it this is a good way to do i thought but the trailer looks like the movie is just...annoying and dumb humor instead of the dry witty clever humor of the original and if i am not comparing it to the original, on it's own it just doesn't look funny to me. all that being said there are many worse things on youtube but this trailer is a hot topic right now and it's popular to hate so it makes sense even if it is not really as bad as the achievement of worst trailer ever implies.
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