Thread: AHS: Apocalypse
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Old 11-17-2018, 08:57 AM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
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There is one unanswered question I actually have. How would it be possible to have two Supremes at the same time? Since Mallory went back and change things, Cordelia never died and is still the Supreme. Mallory clearly still has her powers as she brought back Misty Day. I imagine Mallory will never tell anyone what happened just to keep the peace. Let's say she keeps her powers until Cordelia dies and it's time for the new supreme to rise. Would it still be her? Would she just keep the same Powers she has or would she gain new powers? And since she is the Supreme, what would happen if she died before Cordelia? I get that's getting pretty deep but I just feel like that's something that was not addressed and should have been. Maybe we will get that eventually.
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