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Old 05-17-2018, 05:50 AM
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LuvablePsycho LuvablePsycho is offline
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Originally Posted by Sculpt View Post
No doubt... some of the theories are on shaky ground... and some make a lot of sense.

But the real joy of the film is simply displaying so many oddities you may have missed. For instance, when the kid drives the bigwheel around the halls, never going into an elevator or stairwell, and yet it changes levels. And objects in the rooms, things that move or disappear. I missed so many things... things that affected my subconscious impression of a scene, but not my conscious understanding. Room 237 will certainly sharpen what you can observe in a film.
Yeah I understand what you mean, like when the guy at the hotel tells the story to Jack about the man who killed his wife and daughters 10 years ago and he specifically stated that the girls were 9 and 10 years old yet when Danny sees their "ghosts" they look like twins. Also the crime took place in 1970 (10 years ago to 1980) and yet the girls and their father were dressed like they lived in the 1920's. So were they really ghosts or were they just imagined by the story that Jack's family heard?

This movie really is awesome. :D

Last edited by LuvablePsycho; 05-17-2018 at 05:51 AM.
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