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Old 10-23-2018, 11:22 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
I've needed to drop weight for a few years now, since they told me I'm diabetic and have high blood pressure. Changing your eating habits is very hard mentally. In fact, my doctor had suggested I see a therapist for my "food issues".
I don't think anyone really needs to see a therapist about it...or that one could help by more than making some suggestions anyway.
Even with appetite suppressants you can still physiologically "feel like eating".

I eat when I'm bored. Anxious. Upset. Is that an eating disorder? Greed? Something like some weird self soothing behaviour?
No clue.
It's still gonna be a thing, even when I'm eating less/healthier.
Though you do find after doing it successfully for a bit, you actually get hungry a lot less...but it's that passive eating thats a harder brain re-train, was/is for me anyway.

Ha, my best self control is to just not buy any of the "bad" stuff or have it around, because I can't stop thinking about it when it is.
You're right though, it's way hard - the exercise thing is a lot easier by comparison.

Well cool. I'm not about to be posting any body shots, but good luck to you, me, us all.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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