Thread: "Torture porn"
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Old 05-17-2016, 12:08 AM
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bats bats is offline
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i use the term and i think it makes sense in some cases. i think the term porn, usually used of a suffix on the internet has become a way of describing anything kind of gratuitous (like food porn, shoe porn, whatever else the internet has decided to call porn) so if the main focus of a movie is some one being tortured i would call it torture porn and that doesn't really mean it's a bad movie even though that is a derogatory term. if when i hear people talking about the move they mainly talk about the gore and the violence not the plot or characters i feel that it is fair to call it torture porn. i know i might sound like a prick and i am not trying to but i don't think it's really so bad to call something torture porn.
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