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Old 08-13-2018, 09:02 AM
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LuvablePsycho LuvablePsycho is offline
Rotten Stinky Zombie
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Originally Posted by Morningriser View Post
don't apologize for how you feel man. Believe me, there has been so many times I just wanted the entire universe just suddenly ceased to exist kind of like Thanos in Infinity War. But then I realized that having thoughts like that makes me know better than people like that and the people who have inspired the people who shoot up schools for movie theaters or anywhere else they feel like they can get the proper attention their mommies and daddies never did. I don't want our country to suddenly ceased to exist I just wanted to wake up and start giving a damn again because if people are seriously think we have acted like this throughout all of human history they are sadly mistaken because we would have never made it this far without mankind cooperating to some degree. I mean the entire world needs the universe's biggest cup of coffee dumped on it and told to wake the fuck up and stop being self-centered pieces of shit and show some compassion for their fellow man.

EDIT, damn I just realized 3 years later I finally hit my 1,000th post! let's celebrate by looking at a picture of my first-ever mimosa I had yesterday

Yeah it's not that I want my country to be completely destroyed, but I would really love to see that giant ego of ours popped like the oversized balloon that it is. I mean for one thing we have always bragged about being "the most free country in the world" and yet the American government keeps a tighter leash on it's people than we realize. For many years anybody who isn't a rich white heterosexual Christian man has been fighting for the right to not be treated like crap and those battles are still being fought today but nobody wants to admit to that either. There's also a lot of things that we should be doing a better way but we choose not to and I just don't understand it.

But anyways if we did collapse I'm pretty positive that we would still remain a country. I mean those other places I mentioned that had empires like ours are still around too. Even if something happens and the country changes it's name (like Siam becoming Thailand) the people of that country will always still be there... unless of course they are completely wiped out by genocide.

Edit: Oh and congrats!
We R Going 2 Eat U!

Last edited by LuvablePsycho; 08-13-2018 at 09:06 AM.
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