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Old 08-20-2004, 03:37 AM
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"Coolest" Gaming moments

What part of a gamke blew you away? Or, is there a story of some kick-ass move that you pulled while playing one that you have been dying to brag about? I put coolestr in quotes because.... really, if we have a moment like this, we are kind of nerds.... Not that that is bad, i proclaim my nerdness very loudly with pride :)

Anyway, here is one from last night:

I was playing RTCW again, and in the part just after you get off the cable car (which always reminds me of "Where Eagles Dare"... Classic movie), after you crawl through the vent into the hall, i was plowing through Nazis like a knife through butter. there were 4 left, on the other side of the metal gate. The first one opened the door, and i shot at him with my mauser, and missed.

I took a breath, then shot again, right through his head. then fired at the guy behind him, right through his head, then AGAIN, through the head of the guy behind him. The last guy, i hit in the chest, but he didnt go down. he got 1 shot off, which missed, before i shot HIM in the head. Bang, 4 nazis dead, not 1 scratch on me. i was so proud of myself :)
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Old 08-20-2004, 04:03 AM
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This would have to be while I was playing Vice City (unfortunately, not a horror game.) The mission was to chase down and destroy some losers in a souped-up truck of some sort who were armed to the teeth with automatic weapons. I was racing through the streets of Miami, trying my damndest to get beside them so I could unload a few rounds into either them or their vehicle. My sports car was taking a lot of hits from their rifles, and it got to the point where I was just going to try to outlast them and hope they damaged their vehicle enough on their own (they were good drivers, but good enough to avoid all the obstacles on the road).

After chasing them for several minutes (which is a long time in a game as fast-paced as Vice City), the damage to my car was pretty severe, and it caught on fire. For those of you who know this game, when your car catches fire that means it is about to explode. In a panic, I jumped from the car, resigned to losing the mission. BUT, my car kept rolling ... a flaming explosive on wheels. Just at that moment, the truck I had been chasing had slowed for traffic. I watched with self-satisfied glee as my car soared toward them, exploding right at the moment of impact.

It was a glorious "Mission Complete" moment that I will never forget. :)
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Old 08-20-2004, 04:27 AM
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That is beautiful.....:) i love moments like that, they would work so well in a movie :)

I had a great moment playing the "PainKeep" mod for quake 3. there was a level with 2 tiers above the "ground" level. I was on the top, out of ammo. i ran up and killed one player with my gauntlet,
dropped off the top tier, caught the recently dead player's shotgun midfall, blasted a guy on the 2nd tier as i fell by, he died and dropped his magnum (PainKeep's version of the railgun from Q3) i landed on the ground level, right on a health, so i recovered from all damage, caught the magnum, which switched just in time to fire a shot at the guy running up to me as i landed. the shot went through him and the guy behind him, 4 kill sin under 5 seconds.... it was glorious, and i really wish i had been recording that game....
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Old 08-20-2004, 05:30 AM
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okay, i will probably be spamming the shit out of my own thread here, but i got a million of em!

this one was also in RTCW. The VERY first time i ever played it, there is a scripted scene where you see 3 nazis run away from some zombies, only to find the ladder they need to escape gone... anyway the first time i played it, i sat back to let the zombies and nazis duke it out. Getting ready for the fight to end, i pointed the mauser at one of the zombies and zoomed in the scope so i was looking at the back of it's head.

I made no noise, did not move, and was not in it's field of vision AT ALL, but it slowly turned and looked RIGHT AT ME.........

I paused the game and actually moved back from the computer about a foot, staring at the zombie (i think i have made it clear that i have a phobia of them......) it was the creepiest thing i have ever experienced. The godamn thing KNEW i was there.... it shouldnt have. I have played this part over and over, trying to mimic the results, but it never happened again. All i can think of is that there was a glitch at that moment, but it scared the shit out of me. I still get chills thinking about it....
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Old 08-20-2004, 12:42 PM
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I run a Counterstrike 1.6 server, anyway, thats the backstory, one time during a round i saw one of the enemies like all the way down on the ground (was on a rope bridge in the map Aztec) this was a good 2-3 story drop. So i say "fuck it" i jumped right on top of him, on the split second i landed on his head i let loose with my shotgun spraying his blood everywhere, Headshot, and i stood victorious on top of his body, fucker never saw it coming, that was quite satisfying.

O yea, on Super Mario World on SNES on the last level when Koopa came flying directly towards the screen in that weird joker faced flying machine, i almost shit a brick, i've never seen anything like that before in games, that was awesome the first time
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Old 08-20-2004, 01:32 PM
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Um i liked it on the Resident Evil remake on Gamecube when you have to fight the giant snake. That part kicked ass
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Old 08-20-2004, 05:38 PM
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I love cs.....

In prodigy once, i wa sin the air vent where all the cts always hide... I waited in there a good 2 minutes for all the terrorists to run by, then dropped behind them and charged their rear with my p90 and 5/7.

I started to spray as the last guy ran around the corner, clipping him in the back of the head. he was dead. i kept spraying as i rounded the corner, getting another head-shot, then emptying the rest of the clip into the 3rd guy's chest before he got off a shot. I switched right over to the pistol and put 10 rounds into the 4th guy's back, killing him. Around this time, the last guy came back to see what all of the shooting was, and the first shot out of the pistol at him went right through his face.

The whole attack lasted maybe 15 seconds, and i wiped out 5 guys single handedly without a scratch... Probably my proudest moment. This story will be my acceptance speech if i ever get an Oscar :)

Also, earlier tonight playin RTCW, i killed 2 nazis with a single mauser shot, right through both of their necks.

I shot one guy in the back of the head, then tossed a grenade up into the guard tower, killing that guy, then drew the mauser and killed the last 2. it was just before the german guy gives you the silenced sten.... It was great :D
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Old 08-20-2004, 05:46 PM
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*Warning: Blatant Plug*

Thats my server, im on right now by my lonesome if you wanna check it out
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Old 08-20-2004, 05:54 PM
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My moment of glory was when I went 27-3 in Day of Defeat(flash).1 hr game.
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Old 08-20-2004, 05:57 PM
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Originally posted by Oats
*Warning: Blatant Plug*

Thats my server, im on right now by my lonesome if you wanna check it out

Nice plug :)

updating cs right now... oh shit, i dont need steam do i?:mad:
Some misguided people decided I was funny enough to pay. See if they're right:
(I tweet pretty hardcore, too)
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