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Old 01-22-2020, 01:27 AM
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Star Trek: Picard

Let's have a no spoiler chat for now...Anyone looking forward to the series?

Now...I've never been a Trekkie...have never attended a premier or convention in uniform or anything like that. Knew someone that did though.
It was this friend I had back in the 90's who used to buy the videotapes with double episodes as they were coming out ...I believe that was the only way to keep somewhat current in Australia at the time.
I always remember I was quite fond of those connecting VHS box sets with the pictures that went across them...though nowdays all I can think about is how much damn space that would take up.

Ended up watching the first season and a half of "Voyager" with him, as my first real foray into the Star Trek universe aside from catching bits and pieces of the original show and TNG.
I found it accessible...it didn't seem to really rely on someone knowing too much about ST or the existing characters, and kind of eased me as an outsider into the universe without a "home base", kind of fish out of water story, against all odds, no backup...new alien species, not a huge amount of "Federation" stuff beyond discussions of code of conduct and ideals without a huge amount of the politics.
So that was my "in", though sadly he moved on, and I never got to finish it until much later.

I liked it.
Years later in about 2004 I finally caught up (with the intention of finishing Voyager) on TNG, DS9, Voyager, and the movies to follow.

TNG feels like family.
Quite episodic so any given show is fine to watch...whenever...along with shows like Breaking Bad, this is one I can just sit down to any time...and...yeah, it's like home.
Picard embodied the ideals of the Federation though we was thoughtful and diplomatic, and not afraid to stand when changes needed to be made. He wasn't fast and loose like Kirk the space pioneer...but he was every bit the Captain, probably moreso if you ask me.
He commanded every scene he was in.
It was Star Trek...but different...ushered in a "new generation" to a more modern ST, and carried with it the weight of the ST universe in a very respectful way.
Not to mention...the Inner light, Measure of a Man, Chain of Command, and one of the finest double-episode finales I have ever seen in a show, to this day.
Hell of a library of not only watchable but "holy shit...this is so good for TV...even now) episodes.

DS9 (which I originally though was the "boring" one) was a masterfully crafted long slow burn story arc...and in my mind probably the best quality ST show I've ever seen. Dax was hot as a motherfucker too. The stark contrast between Sisko and Picard was a fucking win too. It kind of showed Star Trek in a bit of a dark place...there was even a war...best character development, all in all a very rewarding watch...couldn't just jump into this one anytime though. It's a "watch a season or don't bother".
It's gruelling yet hopeful. Got to see "both sides" of a lot of characters, and of course, who could forget the introduction of Section 31 with William Sadler playing one hell of a prick.
A lot of things were very near boiling point with this show.
So many good episodes too.
Slow beginning...but this show just started running and never stopped...amazing til the end.
Also...it fucking crushed me that both the guys that played Nog and Odo both died last year...kind of sucks that they won't get to see Picard eh?

Interesting collecting of characters, I still love that they weren't in federation space and they were very much just...fucked...really. Interesting allies and enemies. Great Borg stuff...an alliance with the Borg... Lots of intrigue, Some great standalone episodes and double episodes like "Year of Hell", changing up and switching out a few of the characters kept it fresh.
Quite femenist in some ways (back yknow, before fuckwits made that a dirty word) and showcases a lot of strong and decisive female characters, including a captain that's...almost like a hybrid of Kirk and Picard in styles. I think the EMH was one of the best new characters in ages, played with the perfect mix of informative and sarcastic by Robert Picardo (who I knew as the coach from the wonder years back then), the half-klingon woman struggling through her identity and anger issues that come with it, the liberated borg drone, the first ongoing Vulcan character since Spock, the funny little "life lessons" alien Chef Neelix bringing some heart and levity into the mix...Harry Kim and Tom Paris being a really great, natural buddy pair, added the human/everyman touch. THE best borg storylines, with (another) borg queen doing an excellent job. All new threats like Species 8472 and the fucking Hirojan...boy were they cunts...
If you like underdog stories...this whole series is an underdog story...and one thing I loved was that they FINALLY gave Reginald Barclay some fucking RESPECT...he was a huge part of bringing Voyager home despite all odds and nearly everyone being against him...he went from more or less a joke/sympathy character in TNG to...a vindicated hero...I loved it.
It was a journey. I mean maybe it wasn't the kind of "depth" of DS9s storylines, but for me...I felt for the crew lost out lifetimes from home...and seeing them finally make it at the end was a huge payoff. It was a fun, heartfelt entry point into the franchise (or middle point depending on where you came on board).

I think that in all of Trek...
Despite not being the original installment (or second) of the franchise, TNG was not only instrumental in launching a pretty Golden era of Star Trek on TV for 18 years running between the launch of TNG and end of Enterprise...this has made it go from what I can tell, something of a "cult hit of the 60's" to...an absolute monster of a cultural sci-fi phenomenon.

Patrick Stewart and what he brought to the role acting wise was not something I'd ever have expected...he certainly didn't sleepwalk through it.
The character he played to perfection...with his pursuit of truth, convictions, his honest straightforward, no fucking around, stern yet stoic Captain Picard...is what stuck.
He was a hero, but didn't walk around with his balls out. A humble character.
Thoughtful, passionate and righteous.
Not so much the commonplace "father figure" Captain/Leader, but definitely in command, definitely gives his all for the crew, for the people, and very much an agent of "right".

I think that when a lot of people think "Star Trek" would likely visualise Picard and the Next Gen crew as a first stop...of course that's just conjecture...but I think I could be right.
He may have been compared to Kirk...but every captain since, has been measured up compared to him. That speaks volumes.
Not to mention...Stewart himself...again...one of the outright best actors to have graced Star Trek, ever...he brought so much to the role...for these reasons I think this is going to be something special - he is an icon. His generation was iconic. This show...will mean so much to so many people...IMO will be the small screen event of the year.

It's amazing to think Patrick Stewart almost didn't do Star Trek in the first place...but anyway, another story for another time.

Series set in the original timeline, basically this much time has passed since.
Trailer shows some new characters, and return of some of the franchises familiar faces and races.
7 of 9, Troi and Riker, and...?Data? Lore? a Dream?
Looks as though a lot has changed...possibly due to the events at the beginning of the Kelvin timeline movies...perhaps it's how they say "A fundamental shift in power" has occurred in the sector.
No Worf seen in any trailers yet...or ANY Klingons for that matter...I'll be interested in finding out what happened between them and the federation if this is a thing.
Picard retired? Forced out?
Who's in the drawer?
Mystery girl.
Romulans...experimenting on borg?
Cyborgs gone rogue?
Lots of stuff going on...and...holy shit in the next 48 hours I'll have seen it.

Don't get me wrong here...
I am LOVING what they did with Discovery - that show is a fucking powerhouse, and I find it amazing how well it's squeezed itself into Star Trek lore...and "that" Pike episode *shivers*.
However, I just have to go ahead and say it. As much as I like that...I am SO happy to have a (prime timeline) Star Trek back on TV again.
Cant say enough how I'm SO hanging out for this.

Here's a couple trailers in the unlikely event someone here isn't aware of this yet.

I'll be honest...seeing him with Riker and hugging Troi brings a tear to my eye...it is...in some weird way like visiting a family reunion to me.

I hope this show smashes it outta the fucking park.
The door opened...you got in..:rolleyes:
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Old 01-22-2020, 03:58 AM
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I'm definitely looking forward to it. I mainly know Picard and crew from the movies, not the TV show.

LOVED it! Can't wait for the next episode!
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Last edited by hammerfan; 01-24-2020 at 03:39 AM.
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Old 01-24-2020, 02:14 PM
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looking forward to seeing it.

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Old 01-28-2020, 11:18 PM
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I believe some people behind the recent Star Trek movies or other TV shows are working on Picard. So I'll watch it one day. No real rush.
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Old 09-07-2020, 02:01 PM
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What did we all think, then? I've been gradually working my way back through TNG for the first time since I was a teenager and I must admit...Picard doesn't real feel like the same character in PIC. That being said, I'm also willing to accept that after several decades, plus no longer being in the captain's chair, he may well have softened.

Overall I think I enjoyed it. It was a bit frustrating that it was very much a long-form film rather than episodic TV with an overall arc, which I think I would have preferred. I also thought the "big bad" (don't want to spoil too much, but like...the things we see coming through the portal) were very disappointing.

But still - as far as getting a dose of new trek goes, I found myself looking forward to it each week.

The Ferrets like it...
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