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Old 11-22-2003, 01:44 AM
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Okay. I'll come up with a better reply tomorrow or Sunday since I'm wasted, but I couldn't resist this. How in the WORLD is Dimebag in there with what you've stated in this thread???????? I'm not a huge Pantera guy, but I at least own their greatest hits and like many of those songs. Dimebag doesn't have a tenth of Tom's originality, hasn't played any riff Tom can't, hasn't sold anywhere NEAR the records (counting sales per record) that Tom's bands have, didn't inspire that much in the metal scene while Rage basically created the current "hip-hop rock scene," and many other categories I could break down Dimebag can't touch Tom in.

How in the world does any Pantera music stand the "test of time," my friend? ;)

Rage's music will be remember by critics, fans, and everyone else LONG AFTER Pantera is gone. That one threw me for a loop, I must admit.

I'm a HUGE AIC and Cantrell fan. The only problem I have with him, and this applies with Dimebag/Panetra as well, is the fact many of their songs have some of the most basic and generic guitar recording sound I've ever heard. That is one thing that always bothered me with AIC. Pearl Jam/Corigan (both of his bands) seemed to move from distinct sounds to that generic, cheap sound in the latter part of their careers. I always hated that. I like guitars to have a distinct sound (Hendrix, Van Halen, Nirvana, AC/DC, Creed, etc.). I LOVE hearing every note of the guitar. I hate that cheap recording sound that AIC/Pantera used on some of their songs, and later in their careers Pearl Jam/Coragen/STP/etc. also used.

By the way, I was classically trained in HS as well. I've forgotten most of that, but wish I still had a classic guitar. I always loved playing those nylon strings. I do hate how much wider the guitar neck is, though. I haven't played my guitar much the past couple of years (hand and finger problems), but I may pick it back up and start a band after graduation. I hate the law, and any normal job for that matter, to make a long career at being a lawyer lol.

P.S. I'm still surprised of who you included and who you didn't (Tom/Eddie). Both of those guys could play most of the other guys you mentioned under the table on pure ability. And if you mean influence, EVH blows away everyone you listed. And as far as orginality, EVH and Tom both were more original in their times than anyone you listed. :p ;)
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Old 11-22-2003, 02:47 AM
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Man come ON!!!! Eddie can play fast...........and thats about it. If thats your criteria for a great musician list to randy rhoads NOT van halen im sorry but that is the most 80s unoriginal sound ive ever heard!! everyone of their songs sounds EXACTLY the same, horrible chords (JUMP lol oh god) then enter eddies obnoxious playing. Man i just cant stand guitarist like that.

Now on to dimebag, he uses unusuall chords if you own the greats hits you can see what im talking about. Listen to the middle solo in "cemetary gates" when i walks it up further and further untill he pinch harmonics it down, gets that airplaine effect, to the main hardcore riff. Thats 1000x more original than say Hot for teacher. Granted were not going to see eye to eye on this and your obviously more into who can play faster and technique when i see the song as a whole and guitarist using solos to advertise themselves (i.e. eddie) than the song as a whole.

I think thats y your seeing them as better musicians, and technically they maybe, eddie may very well be able to play 3x as fast as dimebag or jerry but i think i good soloist is one that can fit their solo into the song rather than play uber fast saying look at me!! Im more refering to eddie here.

And i think you took that last post wrong, lol, i didnt claim those guys were guitar GODS like you think tom is. I just said the "inspired me". i left it vague so i wouldnt get flamed but oh well.:rolleyes:

Im not trying to say dime is a better musician or compare who to what, i just said they inspire me. And original sounds?? ya im with you about Tom on this one, he truly does some original work. But NOTHING about Eddie is original. True there are some diehard fans and their music will live on, probably for a while but original sorry. Tom on the other hand, ya the kinda did start the rap rock thing, too bad it was killed by Limp Bizkit, linkin park and the shit we're inondated with today. But ya Rage will be remembered, Audioslave??? probably not, their music is mundane and a pale shadow of what rage was and what rage stood for.

Rage's music will be remember by critics, fans, and everyone else LONG AFTER Pantera is gone.
Man this is total hersay, you have no idea who'll be remembered for what, you predicting the future here?? come on man, you forget that rage got ALOT of radio play and MTV coverage.
Pantera got shit, you'll never see a pantera video on mtv (except once on a beavis and butthead episode lol) and they get basically no radio play at all and they still sell albums. Bulls on Parade and People of the Sun, along with hits like Testify got round the clock airplay on mtv2 and mtv. I sure hope they sell a bit more than pantera because their being marketed quite differently. Pantera had to do it on their own and i respect that.

Now i didnt want this to turn into a pissing match man, in fact this thread is starting to degrade quite rapidly, i respected your opinion on guitarist alot more when you just refered to Tom as a guitar god but Eddie??? Im sorry but your never gonna convience me that someone who wrote Jump, Hot for teacher, and other 80s hits (someone who should be in say Montley Crues league) belongs next to true legends like Hindrix, Beck, Clapton, Vahn, and Page.
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Old 11-23-2003, 10:48 AM
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dimebag darrell......he rules
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Old 11-23-2003, 01:56 PM
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dimebag darrell......he rules
THANK YOU!, finally someone backs me up.
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Old 11-24-2003, 05:56 AM
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Dimebag does kick a fair amount of ass--he plays on the last several Anthrax records.:D

By the way, Audioslave and Queens of the Stone Age are the best thing going in mainstream rock right now. I love both of those bands.
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Old 11-27-2003, 04:27 AM
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Sorry it took so long to reply. I was out of town and now getting caught up for my finals. Now on to my reply...

Well, I didn't think it was a pissing match. I think you must have taken things a tad too seriously. ;)

You still haven't defined the criteria for a guitar God. Read your initial post. You dismissed Morello because he didn't change guitar playing around the world, and then you ignore the most influential guitarist, Eddie Van Halen, to the masses since Jimmy Page. All the two handing tapping that has gone on since him is directly influenced by him. Eddie can do things on guitar that no one else can. "Eruption" alone puts him in the guitar God category.

I do like how you listen only certain singles Van Halen released. If you heard his acoustic guitar playing on VH III (the album with that Cherone as the singer), you'd shit. I have no idea if you can find these songs to DLed, but try to find "Neworld" and "Year to the Day." If you can find those, and then come back here and tell me he can't play Dimebag under the table, I'd be shocked. And when you listen to "Neworld," remember Eddie is playing the keyboard on that song as well. He is a very good pianist.

And I dare you to listen to "Right Now" and tell me that isn't an incredibly written piece of music. There is great piano and guitar work in that song by Eddie.

Also, I know you probably don't have access to this, but if you do, check out the live version of "316" off Van Halen Live. It is Eddie performing an instrumental solo for about 12 mintues. About the 2:50 minute mark, enjoy. If you can seriously reply that he is not a great guitarist after hearing that, I'm going to question your sanity. ;)

I am a Dimebag fan, but he can't handle Eddie and he has admitted so. Odd he is a VH fan, huh? :b

Go back and listen to Rhodes, Dimebag, etc. When you hear them doing two handed taping during a solo, remember the first person, Eddie, that made it an art form. ;)

I love Randy Rhodes, by the way.

I wouldn't have dissected the guitarists you listed had I known you were meaning only those who influenced you. I thought you were saying you considered them guitar Gods. I could list several guitarist that influenced me, but that are not guitar Gods.

You said, "I think thats y your seeing them as better musicians." I was merely talking about guitar ability, not their overall musical ability. If that was the case, many artists that can't play their instrument at a high level (Lennon, Cobain, etc.) would blow Dimebag, Van Halen, Hendrix, etc., out of the water as far as I'm concerned. Hendrix doesn't exactly write the most complex, as in complexity with texture and feel, songs. The guitar playing is amazing, but many of his songs wouldn't translate very well to other instruments. This would be an entirely new argument, and one that would be much more subjective than just defining what a guitar God is, and then seeing which guitarists fit that criteria.

"Man this is total hersay, you have no idea who'll be remembered for what, you predicting the future here?? come on man, you forget that rage got ALOT of radio play and MTV coverage."

Well, earlier you said, "Hes good, dont get me wrong but i dont think 10 years from now there is gonna be anyone claiming "Tom Morello changed guitar playing forever"."

What makes your opinion on what will be remembered 10 years from now anymore valid than mine regarding which band will be remembered longer? I'm projecting from right now. Rage is credited by most for bringing the rap/rock combo to a new level and helped spawn Korn, Limp, Linkin' Park, etc. Quick, name for me the bands that are multi-platinum selling artists that were spawn from Pantera. Are they on the level with what has come from Rage?

I never said which one was better. I merely said which one will be remembered longer and at a higher level. Rage sold more records and had a much bigger impact on mainstream music than Pantera. Care to disagree? In your next paragraph you started explaining why Rage is more known and sold more records. You are backing up my point that they will likely be remembered long after Pantera.

If you'd like to disagree, tell me why I'm wrong. If you want to say Pantera is better than Rage and Audioslave, that is cool. That is a personal choice. But claiming Pantera will be remembered more than Rage to mainstream music, well, that's just incorrect and your arguments even backed that point up.

"Im sorry but your never gonna convience me that someone who wrote Jump, Hot for teacher, and other 80s hits (someone who should be in say Montley Crues league) belongs next to true legends like Hindrix, Beck, Clapton, Vahn, and Page."

Define what a guitar God is and explain how those guys are above Van Halen. He has as much skill as any of them, and was more influential on general guitarist than Vaughn or Beck with ease. There is a reason he has won so many "best guitarist" votes in magazines and usually comes in second or third behind Hendrix and Page for guitar polls about who is the best guitarist of all time. Those results alone show most guitarists rank him as a guitar God IMO.

I don't mean this as a pissing match argument, just a discussion. I would drop a ton of F-bombs and insults if I was just trying to yell at you and insult you lol.
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Old 11-29-2003, 08:52 AM
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I'm bumping this thread back up in case you missed my reply. If you don't want to reply, that is cool; however, I'd hate to have wasted my time typing all of that and have you miss it because those two fucking posters keep posting 800 new threads every day.

For the love of God, some people need to take the horror threads to the modern horror board to leave other non-horror threads on the first page of the general discussion board for more than half a day!
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