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Old 06-28-2012, 07:40 PM
Black_ronin1228 Black_ronin1228 is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 9
"Tales of Dracula" Independent Movie

We finally have our donation page up!

Please visit the following link to donate :


Wolfbain Productions is currently working on a full length feature film tentatively titled Tales of Dracula. I am here to try to get any and all Classic Movie Fans involved in some way, anyway, that you can help.

We are operating currently with a micro-budget for props, costumes, make-up purchases, and food for those who are working on set/locations under a deferred contract.

This film is going to have three of the biggest movie monsters of the early years at Universal in it, Frankenstein, the Wolfman, and last, but not least, Dracula!

I am happy to announce that we have Ron Chamberlain working on it as our set makeup and special effects monster maker for the film. Ron studied under Dick Smith (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Sm...up_artist)).He has various credits on "Shark Week" and has been the resident make up creator at "Monster Bash" for 12 years creating various tradition classic monsters and has several independent films under his belt.

Ron is bringing all his skills and talent to this production by creating new classic monster looks! You should see the new Frankenstein design! Superb!

We also have a set builder/designer/painter/all around amazing artist by the name of Bruce Greig. Bruce Greig worked on other film sets like "10,000 B.C.", Peter Jackson's "King Kong", "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy, and has recently finished up some of the work for the first half of "The Hobbit" and will be going back home for a bit in September to finish the second half of "The Hobbit".

But while he's here in my hometown, he has agreed the 28th of June, 2012, that he will work on the set/film with us until he has to go back to his "real job", LOL! He is such a cool and generous/gracious man, and we will miss him when he leaves again for home. (On a side note, anyone got about $1,700.00 for a round trip ticket I could use to visit him on the set of the Hobbit?)

Our Producer is Joe DeMuro, and he will also be directing most of the action on set/location(s), and when he is in costume for the shots, I will co-direct.

I will also be creating the music/soundtrack for the film, capturing sound on set/location, foley, ADR, and all editing of the footage (with serious help from Joe and Ron).

We do have our work cut out for us, but we have another problem.

We have two characters we have written into the film which we would love to see them played by Donnie Dunagan and Janet Ann Gallow. We would like Donnie to reprise his role as the older version of Peter von Frankenstein. Having him play the mad scientist and have him re-create a better more terrible version of the Frankenstein monster than ever before!

We would like Janet Ann Gallow to play a part in the film as the Sweet wife of an Innkeeper, and if she could bring her own grand daughter in to play a little girl who gets some help from the monster, it would be a great "full circle" moment!

Imagine having two of the original kids from the Frankenstein movies not only in another one, but TOGETHER!

So here's the problem, we haven't yet been able to make contact with Mrs. Gallow, but we are in contact with Donnie Dunagan, but his fees for his appearance would take away most of our budget.

We want to ask the whole world community of Classic Horror Film fans if you would be willing to donate even a single dollar to the cause, so we could bring Donnie, and perhaps Janet, up to New York for the film?

If we could find 10,000 rabid fans who want to see this film come to life as a dream come true for all those immediately involved, and those who are out there in the Classic Horror communities, to donate one single dollar, we could bring them both on for the project!

If we happened to find 50,000 who were willing to donate a single dollar, imagine how much better the production could be.

We will begin filming on August 25th, 2012. If we can pull this together, and pull this off, we believe we have a wonderful story to tell, and it would be completely awesome if we could get one, if not both of these talented people, involved.

Any help would be appreciated. Spread the word, mark the date, and donate as soon and as often as possible.

We at Wolfbain Productions would like to take this moment to thank you all in advance, and hope to see you at the premier in June of 2013!


P.S. If anyone needs to get in contact with myself or Joe DeMuro (producer) contact me at [email protected] or Joe at [email protected]

Last edited by Black_ronin1228; 07-22-2012 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 07-02-2012, 02:22 PM
Black_ronin1228 Black_ronin1228 is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 9
Tales of Dracula!

I hope this is a good place for me to suggest this. http://bmoviefilmvault.blogspot.com/...f-dracula.html

And or suggest that some people go to my posting in the Horror Filmmakers (http://www.horror.com/forum/showthread.php?t=61224), if they are interested.

Thanks in advance if it sticks here, otherwise, you guys should know where to put it, and I'm not being sarcastic or suggesting anything...:)

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Old 07-22-2012, 11:25 AM
Black_ronin1228 Black_ronin1228 is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 9
Tales of Dracula!

To anyone else who hasn't seen this listed anywhere else on the site yet, please come and take a look. Help if you can. We plan on premiering it at Chiller, Monster Bash and several other film festivals. We now have a trailer up for the film. It is 90% done, but we still need help, financially, but not for the film, but for the marketing aspects, travel expenses, etc. since all of our current funding went into production. We will be posting up a new link to an Indiegogo campaign in the next few days.

We are hoping that even though you don't know who we are, that you understand that we are trying to bring you a new chapter in the old school horror movies.

Here is the link to the trailer if anyone wants to see what we are up to : http://youtu.be/13HWkC9d2N0

You can also follow us on Facebook here : https://www.facebook.com/TalesOfDracula

Thanks in advance!

Thomas Rice/Joe DeMuro

Last edited by Black_ronin1228; 09-02-2013 at 10:34 PM.
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Old 09-02-2013, 10:49 PM
Black_ronin1228 Black_ronin1228 is offline
Little Boo
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 9
"Tales of Dracula" Independent Movie

Not sure in which forum section to post this, since many aspects of the film could go in any one of these. I would just like to let the community know Wolfbain Productions now has a trailer up for our upcoming independent film.

It is 90% done, but we still need help, financially, but not for the film, but for the marketing aspects, travel expenses, etc. since all of our current funding went into production. We will be posting up a new link to an Indiegogo campaign in the next few days.

We are hoping that even though you don't know who we are, that you understand that we are trying to bring you a new chapter in the old school horror movies.

Here is the link to the trailer if anyone wants to see what we are up to : http://youtu.be/13HWkC9d2N0

You can also follow us on Facebook here : https://www.facebook.com/TalesOfDracula

Thanks in advance!

Thomas Rice/Joe DeMuro
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