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Old 05-21-2006, 08:20 PM
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I thought Body Count was average and was really dissapointed with it. I think I was expecting more of a bloodbath. I wasn't impressed at all especially after the mission I had tracking this one down.
The Mutilator is awesome apart from the shittily acted build up (assuming version you've got is uncut). It's a pretty good example of bare bones low budget film making. There's a really good article on this film in a Fangoria I've got. It was originally titled Fall Break. But yeh get fuckin' flick in my book.
I've got Aerobicide under the title Killer Workout and its pretty lame but good fun (best way to describe is its like a Troma film). Nothing special but shit you'll get a few laughs outta the fucker.
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Old 05-22-2006, 04:13 AM
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I enjoyed The Burning.
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Old 05-22-2006, 08:34 AM
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The Burning is top, and better than Friday the 13th which it ripped off.

Some decent characters, nice Rick Wakeman soundtrack (!) and of course some legendary Tom Savini gore.

The Intruder is uncut in most territories by now.
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Old 05-22-2006, 12:06 PM
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Re: 80s Slashers

Originally posted by _____V_____
After the immense success of Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street etc. and cult icons like Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger & Leatherface having a huge fan following...the 80s had a lot of slasher movies to offer. I have seen quite a lot of em so I decided to ask you guys, which is your most fav 80s slasher?

my fav is "Intruder" aka "Night Crew", made by Scott Spiegel. It had a cheesier plot than the other average slashers, showed the happenings of one night, and I loved the way the deaths were shown. The killer also used a wide variety of tools for the deaths, which was also something different, plus it added to the gore (there is plenty of it). Also Bruce Campbell in it playing a cop (he didnt have much to do tho, since he has only a few minutes on-screen).

I have the cut version. I heard there was an uncut one available but I havent got my hands on it yet.

If you havent seen it, check it out. Worth a watch. Rated - 07/10
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Old 05-22-2006, 12:10 PM
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...here is a thread about

Christmas Slashers

..maybe you find it interesting
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Old 05-22-2006, 12:21 PM
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Jesus i hated Jack Frost. A killer snowman? Riiiiight....

What's My Bloody Valentine about again? I have completely forgotton although i'm sure i liked it when i saw it...:confused:
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Old 05-22-2006, 04:52 PM
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Originally posted by PR3SSUR3
The Burning is top, and better than Friday the 13th which it ripped off.

Some decent characters, nice Rick Wakeman soundtrack (!) and of course some legendary Tom Savini gore.
Great film for sure. Kinda weird George from Seinfield is still bald even as a teenager in this. Some guys get all the breaks :)
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Old 05-22-2006, 04:55 PM
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Originally posted by The Thing
What's My Bloody Valentine about again? I have completely forgotton although i'm sure i liked it when i saw it...:confused:
My Bloody Valentine...... plus a bunch of other decent slasher shit!
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Old 05-22-2006, 05:58 PM
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Your Bible offends me
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Old 05-22-2006, 11:58 PM
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The Great Sith War

Exar Kun, Dark Lord of the SithFour hundred years after Nadd's death, the Jedi Exar Kun sought out his tomb, a place strong in the dark side. Nadd's spirit materialized and succeeded in corrupting Kun, but was eventually destroyed by his student. Exar Kun was pronounced the new Dark Lord of the Sith by the ghost of the ancient Dark Lord Marka Ragnos. As his first apprentice he took another fallen Jedi, Ulic Qel-Droma, and the Great Sith War began. Although many Jedi turned to the dark side and still more were killed, Exar Kun was finally defeated when Ulic realized the error of his ways and led the Old Republic's forces to Kun's stronghold on Yavin 4. Using the drained life energies of his Massassi warriors, Kun shed his physical body and imprisoned his spirit within the walls of Yavin 4's Massassi temples. His ghost, driven half-mad by millennia of isolation, was destroyed by a group of Luke Skywalker's students thousands of years later. Most of what remained of his Sith Brotherhood by the end of the Great Sith War was hunted down by the Old Republic in a purge known as "the Cleansing of the Nine Houses."

The Second Sith War
Less than four decades later, the Jedi Revan and Malak, heroes of the Mandalorian War (a bloody conflict instigated by the remnants of Exar Kun's Sith), fell to the dark side and founded the Second Sith Empire. Using the ancient Rakatan Star Forge factory, they built a massive war fleet and began attacking the Old Republic. Thus began the second Sith War, later called the Jedi Civil War (and, still later, the War of the Star Forge), a conflict that proved even more devastating than Kun's war as more Jedi fell to the dark side, were killed in battle, or were murdered by Sith Assassins. Revan was the greatest military genius the Jedi had ever seen. It was through his cunning alone that the Mandalorian Wars had been won, as the Old Republic soon discovered. During the Mandalorian Wars, Revan and Malak had discovered a mysterious force called the "True Sith" in the Unknown Regions, and were therefore careful to preserve the Republic's shipyards to use against this threat once they had conquered the galaxy. After an attempted coup by Malak, however, Revan's mind was destroyed and he was captured by the Jedi. He was re-trained in their ways and sent against his traitorous apprentice. Taking up the mantle of Dark Lord, Malak redoubled his empire's offenses against the Old Republic, no longer caring about preserving his enemy's resources. Following a long and arduous quest for the five Star Maps that would lead him to the Sith's stronghold, the new Revan led a frontal assault on the Star Forge. He battled his way through the Forge's droid army and legions of Sith and Dark Jedi. After redeeming Malak's apprentice, Bastila Shan, he slew Malak himself in a final confrontation between the two old friends, allowing the Old Republic to destroy the Star Forge and win the day.

Despite this great victory won for the Old Republic by Revan, the galaxy soon grew even darker. Barely a hundred Jedi remained after the Jedi Civil War, and those who did soon found their ranks thinning at an alarming rate. Everywhere Jedi congregated, they were murdered, struck down by an invisible enemy who, incredibly enough, was somehow attacking them through the Force itself. Darth Nihilus, the Lord of Hunger, and Darth Sion, Lord of Pain, were students of Revan's former Jedi Master, Kreia (now a Sith called Darth Traya, Lady of Betrayal), had begun a shadow war against the surviving Jedi. Despite their incredible powers, they did not believe themselves strong enough to defeat the Jedi in the same kind of open warfare employed by Revan and Malak. (Revan himself had disappeared into the Unknown Regions a year after the destruction of the Star Forge, hoping to put an end to the ever-present threat posed by the so-called True Sith, and has not been heard from since.)

Five years after Malak's defeat on the Star Forge, a Jedi exile who had served Revan as a general during the Mandalorian Wars returned from the Outer Rim to find the Jedi Order virtually extinct. Thought to be the last of the Jedi by Nihilus and Sion, the exile was hunted mercilessly by Sith Assassins from planet to planet as the "last of the Jedi" tracked down the surviving members of the Jedi Council. In the end, several of these Jedi were killed, but the exile managed to turn the tide against the insidious shadow Sith, slaying Nihilus, Sion, and Traya in battle, thereby ending their Jedi purge and giving the Jedi Order a chance to rebuild.

In modern history texts, the Great Sith War, the Cleansing of the Nine Houses, the Mandalorian Wars, and the War of the Star Forge are often grouped together under the collective appellation of "the Old Sith Wars."

The Sith'ari
Around the time of the Jedi Civil War, the coming of the Sith'ari, an ancient Sith prophecy, became somewhat well known in Darth Revan's Sith Empire. The Sith'ari was said to be a perfect being who would rise to power and bring balance to the Force. According to prophecy, the Sith'ari would rise up and destroy the Sith, but in the process would return to lead the Sith and make them stronger than ever before. It is believed that the prophecy of the Sith Sith'ari and the prophecies of the Jedi Chosen One refer to the same individual; namely Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, who made the Sith stronger than ever by wiping out the Jedi Knights and assisting Darth Sidious in his rise to power, but then destroyed the Sith when he betrayed and killed Sidious, thus fulfilling the ancient prophecy of the Sith'ari.

The New Sith Wars

Lord Kaan, leader of the Brotherhood of DarknessSlowly, over the next thousand years, the Jedi Order rebuilt itself back to its former strength. Then, some 2,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, yet another Jedi, chafing under the restrictions of the Jedi Council, fell to the dark side, stole a Sith Holocron, renamed himself "Darth Ruin," formed a new Sith Order, and began recruiting others to his cause. This spawned a new series of conflicts, called the New Sith Wars, which lasted for a millennium.

However, the Sith very nearly proved to be their own undoing. Hungry for power, they turned on each other, all but destroying their order. The survivors reformed under the leadership of Lord Kaan, calling themselves "the Brotherhood of Darkness." To appease his disheartened minions, Kaan abandoned the millennia-old tradition of one ruling Dark Lord and granted the title to a good number of his followers, though very few of them were truly deserving of it.

The final conflict of the New Sith Wars, the War of Light and Dark or the Light and Darkness War (sometimes also referred to, as Exar Kun's war had been, as the Great Sith War), came to a head in the titanic seventh Battle of Ruusan, in which the Jedi Lord Hoth and the Army of Light clashed with Lord Kaan and the Brotherhood of Darkness for the last time. In the end, a deranged Kaan activated a thought bomb, an ancient Sith technique that sapped the life energy of all Force-sensitives in the vicinity. Both armies were all but destroyed, and only one Sith Lord survived: Darth Bane.

To guard against the Sith again engaging in fratricidal internecine war or losing sight of their "ideals" again, Bane took only one apprentice, starting a "one master, one apprentice" tradition to prevent the Sith from destroying themselves again. "Two there should be; no more, no less," he is said to have explained; "One to embody power, the other to crave it." He also restarted the tradition of passing the name "Darth" to each of his successors, a trend which appears to have originated with Darth Revan millennia before. In a nod to Kaan's earlier pronouncement, both master and apprentice in Bane's Sith Order held the title "Dark Lord of the Sith," making them, nominally at least, equals. The new tenets of this sinister order would be cunning, stealth, subterfuge, and a virtue learned from their worst enemy, patience
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