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Old 09-12-2010, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by ferretchucker View Post
Are they that focussed on getting their night out that they forget about the restaurant full of people also trying to have a night out.
Yes. It's complete and utter self-indulgence. I got myself knocked up and delivered the Miracle of Life and now I am some kind of Martyr therefore since my life is so hard as a parent I DESERVE a night out, damnit, screaming kids in tow.

I realize that that is definitely a generalization, but there is definitely this attitude of self righteousness - As though the world owes them something for squeezing out a tot.

I went to see a 10PM showing of Eclipse (and, yes, you can laugh at that) and there was a mother there with what must have been her 3- and 5-year olds... She literally let them run and scream around the movie aisles... Didn't even tell them to sit down or take them out of the theater... Let them run loose in the aisles... I don't get it. First of all, a movie like Eclipse isn't appropriate for little kids (I mean, I got bored - Those kids must have been bored out of their SKULLS)... Take that and multiply it by the fact that they are probably cranky and tired (it being 10-friggin-PM waaaaaaaay past their bedtime), so they're acting out... And mom did nothing.

Even MORE horrifying is that I went to a 10PM showing of the movie Autopsy and a mother came in carrying her child (so the kid must have been under 2... BROUGHT A FUCKING CRYING BABY INTO AN R-RATED HORROR FILM... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

So FIRST I have no idea what kind of self righteous TRASH thinks that it's appropriate to bring their kids to a 10:00 ADULT MOVIE... But... WHY the FUCK did the theater even let them in in the first place?! I think that theaters should police this shit - Especially when it's an infant being carried into an R-rated movie at TEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT.


The above experiences are among the reasons why I simply do not enjoy going out to the movies anymore. I don't know about anyone else, but to ME, going to the movies was always a special treat... And I knew that I had to SHUT UP and be respectful.


My boyfriend has a theory that occasionally it's incredibly passive-aggressive, people bring poorly-behaved children into a public place like a restaurant, movie theater, etc... These people are angry and frustrated at their "lot in life" and therefore bring in their monsters to inflict pain and frustration on other people (Miserable people like to make others miserable).

So I'd say it's a cross between self righteousness and passive aggressive behavior... Coupled with complete and utter lack of empathy for anyone outside of your direct sphere... I believe that would be narcissism.

You all should check out this Blog - It's quite frankly my favorite Blog ever (which doesn't really mean anything as I don't really do the whole 'Blog' thing):


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Examples of parenting posts that go under our current gripe (parents just don't fucking care):

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Old 09-12-2010, 09:12 PM
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First of all, a movie like Eclipse isn't appropriate for little kids
Yeah, it's more like 14-17's isn't it?:D

I too get pissed at people bringing their noisy kids to cinemas...not in all cases...I'll accept it when it's a cartoon or an actual kids movie, though in all honesty I think any kind of throwing things, or actual getting out of the seat should be something a parent should control no matter what, eg - if you're not here to watch the movie, we're going.
But - the amount of times I've seen kids bought along to completely inappropriate movies that they clearly have NO interest whatsoever in astounds me...even moreso are the amount of these parents who won't even shush their children as though the small addition of whatever sound they would make to do so, wouldn't be worth the actual potential of shutting them up? A grand total of ONCE have I see a parent actually leave with said child.
Here, they have something called "babes in arms" sessions...I am wholeheartedly behind this...they're of all movies appropriate or otherwise, they run at kid/baby friendly times - ans obviously it's expected that there's going to be some noise....so I say, if they've got a noisy kid that they KNOW is going to fuck it up for everyone else, they should suffer some noisy babies themselves, and hopefully educate their children a little, when even THEY get irritated, complain and then get told (hopefully) "well, frankly this is how everyone ELSE sees YOU."
I don't know when it happened, I don't know when "rules" stopped getting imposed when it came to movie going...I never fucked about like this as a kid or a teen...my guess would be someplace around 16-20 years ago, for some reason things started to lapse, because it seems like these days just about anyone under 20 with very few exceptions has no common courtesy when it comes to their fellow movie-goers. Starts with a child that isn't given ground rules, progresses into an ignorant asshole that has no idea how much everyone else there would actually shoot and kill them in a perfect world.

Yes...people deserve a night out, everyone does...parents however need to accept the reality that for a relatively small stage of their lives, the opportunities to do so will be significantly less. There REALLY should be more focus on "child training" for lack of a better word, so that on the occasions you bring your child, it's not a complete disaster. Babies cry, not a lot you can do there...but if a kid is old enough to talk and communicate/negotiate with, really past that point there's just no excuse for bratty, noisy and otherwise socially inept and annoying behaviour...it's just parents doing a shit job.
Just like every animal - they need to be carefully socialised and any behavioural issues need to be addressed and not ignored in order to correct it.
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Old 09-12-2010, 09:32 PM
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I have a son with ADHD, I try hard to keep him quiet and he is respectful of others and his manners are impeccable-strangers have said so! But if I had not developed a thick skin, we would never go anywhere or do anything. Its difficult to balance things when your son has the attention span of a goldfish. Doesn't make him any less cute, but I try my hardest to keep him under controll and at the same time allow him to have the same experiences in life as other children. Its just hard to keep the balance sometimes when we are out and my nerves are frayed.
I can see both sides of the argument. Parents should be responsible and the general public should be tollerant. I manage it 99% of the time so don't see why others can't. My daughter on the other hand, I think was born middle aged and is often more sensible than I.:p
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Old 09-12-2010, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by ChronoGrl View Post

Cheers, Salty Dog.

I don't consider it "Anti-Children;" I consider it "Pro-happy dining."
my thoughts exactly.

though I don't mind informing parents that they shouldn't have children and that their brats are going to be drug addicted criminals.
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Old 09-13-2010, 06:02 AM
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Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post
Here, they have something called "babes in arms" sessions...I am wholeheartedly behind this...they're of all movies appropriate or otherwise, they run at kid/baby friendly times - ans obviously it's expected that there's going to be some noise....so I say, if they've got a noisy kid that they KNOW is going to fuck it up for everyone else, they should suffer some noisy babies themselves, and hopefully educate their children a little, when even THEY get irritated, complain and then get told (hopefully) "well, frankly this is how everyone ELSE sees YOU."
That's pretty awesome - I wish that more theaters around here did that... Then again, I've heard parents complain (no joke) that they don't like those types of sessions because "once one kid starts crying, they all do." Boo hoo.

It is still honestly beyond me why they are even ALLOWED in with little kids to late-night shows... Especially the R-rated ones. I don't care if the parent is over 18... I think that theaters should JUST SAY NO TO BABIES. That's right, you heard it here first, folks. [/QUOTE]

Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post
I don't know when it happened, I don't know when "rules" stopped getting imposed when it came to movie going...I never fucked about like this as a kid or a teen...my guess would be someplace around 16-20 years ago, for some reason things started to lapse, because it seems like these days just about anyone under 20 with very few exceptions has no common courtesy when it comes to their fellow movie-goers. Starts with a child that isn't given ground rules, progresses into an ignorant asshole that has no idea how much everyone else there would actually shoot and kill them in a perfect world.
I've experience the same thing!! Not just with parents bringing in kids... But TEENAGERS being really poorly-behaved and talking/texting during movies... I don't understand where the younger generations (oy, now I feel OLD) suddenly thought it was OK to misbehave and be RUDE in the theater. It sucks because now when there's a horror movie that I really really want to see, I can't see it in the theater - Because I know some jackass is going to talk through it and ruin the ambiance. :(

You're right though - It starts with bad parenting... I was always taught to be respectful in public... And when it came to movies... You went there to enjoy the FILM, and NOT to talk with your friends, family, etc. I don't understand where the change came from. And it sucks that it's ruining my movie-going experience.

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Old 09-13-2010, 09:13 AM
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Can't wait to see some of the hellspawns you guys spew out :p I'll make a point of tracking you down, filming their misbehaviour and posting it in this thread!

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Old 09-13-2010, 09:25 AM
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It appears to me that a lot of people don't understand what 'sacrifice' means. Having a child is a huge decision. It's completely life altering. Plenty of species sacrifice their own life to raise their spawn to adulthood. I hardly think not being able to dine at one of a bevy of eateries for a few years while you rear your crotch dropling counts as even a mild inconvenience in the grander scheme of things.

Hell, the human race has even developed entire industries to help you be able to enjoy activities where children are not welcome. For the price of a parking spot in most big cities and a little investigation, you can find some teen willing to food and water your little troglodyte for a few hours. Not comfortable with/too cheap for that? Send them to a relatives house for a few hours. The worst that could happen is that you'll be asked to return the favor.
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Old 09-13-2010, 10:24 AM
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How many people who have posted so far are parents? Besides myself there was AprilC and Bastet from what I could tell. Any others?
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Old 09-13-2010, 03:47 PM
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i have a 4 yr old girl. her name is Makylie Jade. she already likes horror movies. i took her to see the nightmare on elm st remake. she mostly liked it
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Old 09-15-2010, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post
Just like every animal - they need to be carefully socialised and any behavioural issues need to be addressed and not ignored in order to correct it.
I feel the need to call this out and specifically give you a nod sir for the astute "animal" comparison.

My neighbor has a German Shepard. His name is Casper. Sometimes, when we arrive home, Casper starts barking. What happens? My neighbor says, "SHUT UP, CASPER" and Casper is silenced.


My point being - If you can teach a DOG to be silent on command, you should be able to teach your children.

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