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Old 10-15-2007, 08:51 AM
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For Vendetta
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The room in front of ___V___ is brightly lit, with burning lamps and candles everywhere. Many glass tubes and jars can be seen...some filled with colorful fluids, others having different parts of the human anatomy - brains, eyes, jaws with teeth, hearts still beating, guts, etc. Several surgery tables spotted with dried brownish blood spots are laid in a row in the center, and some of them have covered bodies on it. The walls have large chains attached to them, and some of those chains have very thick cuffs at their ends.

___V___ (slowly): My hunch was right...

Hammerfan (curiously from behind): What is it?

___V___ (silently): With you in a minute.

___V___ moves into the room quietly, and looks around. A stifled moan can be heard in front of him, and he walks towards it. He reaches the bodies and silently uncovers one of them.

___V___ (in a low voice): H-o-l-y...

The body is that of a mutated werewolf, only devoid of fur. It has large, sharp teeth and fangs, with long arms and legs, but the arms and legs have a thin membrane between them which act as wings, when outstretched. One of the fingers has a ring on it.

___V___ leans down to look more closely at it. On it is inscribed "M.M." He frowns for a moment, then suddenly a knowing gleam comes into his eyes. He goes back to the face and sniffs closely.

___V___: Heavily sedated...

He turns to another body and debates. Finally deciding, he uncovers it and starts back...wide-eyed. Alkytrio lies on the table, seemingly at peace with his eyes closed. His right cheek is scarred by a huge bite-mark through which his teeth are visible.

___V___ (grimly): Damnit. Not alky...

He straightens and looks around the room again. Near the end of alky's table, a container lies on the floor. ___V___ looks at it questioningly, and a small sign is revealed to be stuck in the center, which has a single letter inscribed on it.


___V___ looks at it thoughtfully, then decides against his will not to open it. He checks the room again, and finds a small door on the other side of it, possibly leading to another part of the mansion.

___V___ (to himself): I wonder who is in charge here...

As if in answer, footsteps can be heard in a corridor beyond the small door. ___V___ hurries back to where he came from, and quietly shuts the door...leaving a small gap to peek back in and check the owner of the footsteps.

The small door opens and closes, and the steps come forward and stop. A muffled thump is heard, followed by a grunt...and then shuffling noises can be heard. A cracking sound echoes through to ___V___, followed by a loud SHRIEK!


Hammerfan stands up bolt upright, shaking and shivering in fear. ___V___ motions her to quieten down, and peeks back in. And THEN, the laughter starts.

"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-16-2007, 08:52 AM
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Hammerfan covers her ears, and is about to yell out when ___V___ covers her mouth shut and whispers "Shhh...!" into her ears softly. Hammerfan shivers uncontrollably in ___V___'s arms for a few moments, then nods in tired approval. ___V___ lets go and walks back to the crack at the door, and peeks in. The scene in front of him makes him start slightly, in surprise.

___V___ (softly, to himself): Not HIM...of all people!

VampiricClown is lying down on the table, his skull opened up and plenty of wires hooked into his brain. A gloved hand injects a greenish fluid into his cerebellum, and that makes VampiricClown go into spasms, his eyes open wide and his mouth taped. His body is held in place by big cuffs to his hands and legs, and after a few seconds of violent spasmodic activity, VampiricClown's body stops and goes silent. ___V___ leans a bit closer to have a better look at the surgeon, and stares. For he is looking at Austin316426808, looking down with an evil, satisfied grin on his face.

Austin316426808 (chuckling): Just a few minutes more, my dear VC...and I will grant you the gift of eternal life. You will be dominant upon others, and totally controlled by me. Just like the rest of my puppets...

___V___ looks on for a second, then realises Hammerfan is standing beside him...peeking into the room too. She has a horrified look on her face, and it contracts up into a blood-curdling scream.


___V___ tries in vain to stop her, but by then Austin has heard her...and has swiftly turned towards that door. ___V___ closes it in a hurry, and grabs Hammerfan and backs away from it. He shakes Hammerfan who has gone into hysterics, crying out loudly in sheer terror at the scene she has just seen.

___V___ (firmly): Hammerfan, get a grip on yourself! Even the ghosts would have risen by now because of your screaming!

Hammerfan (in-between sobs): Th-that was Alk-k-ky!! And Vam-mpir-ric Cl-lown-n-n!! WHAT WAS HE DOING TO THEM?!

___V___ (strongly): I will tell you what's going on, but right now we have to scram, or we will be Beef Jerky in a minute!

He grabs Hammerfan and opens the other door through which they had originally come in, but in the darkness in front of them, several pairs of green eyes stare back at them, with slow hisses and deep, angry growls.

___V___ (narrowing his eyes): Close the door behind me. I'll be back!

Hammerfan (disbelievingly): Wha-what the...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!

___V___ (turning around with a gleam in his eyes): Trust me.

Hammerfan has a last glimpse of the creatures in front of him, whose growls have intensified into big, vicious snarls...and a huge, red shape breaks the darkness and pounces forward, followed by several similar streaks...and the door slams shut.
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:52 PM
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Outside, the rain keeps pouring down and huge flashes of lightning break the darkness, followed by deep, rumbling thunder which shakes the region. A shadowy figure approaches the gate of the mansion and slowly opens it. It walks to the mansion and looks around, then proceeds to the side window. A moment later, the window is open and the figure silently drops in.

It walks forward through the thick blackness, and stops...head jerking upwards. Voices drift downward to its ears, followed by low, vicious growls. It turns to the staircase and climbs up, and stops at the top...looking at the scene in front.

A door somewhere in front slams shut, and growls and yelps fill the air. There is a flurry of activity, and then a voice booms out.

___V___: Come...get some!

Rapid gunshots echo throughout the night, and the yelps turn to moans. When the gunshots stop, the figure walks forward. ___V___ puts his guns back...and is suddenly aware of a figure in front of him. Sensing danger, he grabs his guns again.

Figure: You have become good. Real good. Do you think I will be better?

___V___ (taking hands off guns): How the hell did you make it to here?

Figure: You left me a message at the hotel remember? I followed the route the stagecoach was taking and presto!

___V___: And not a second too soon...not that I need your help in this though.

Figure: Everyone needs help sometime or the other, bud. No matter how good you are.

___V___: Its the virus. It is eating me up inside but has given me extra sharp senses and other abilities.

Figure: Lets hope that you live through this.

___V___: Or die. Either way, good to see you, Disease.

Disease smiles back, and looks around. The bodies of the slain werewolves dot the entire corridor where the staircase has opened. He peers at something in the darkness and just then, a sudden yell breaks the silence.


___V___ and Disease quickly turn towards the door behind ___V___.

___V___: Its Hammerfan. Quick!

Both men race into the room, just in time to see the door on the other side slam shut and a keylock fall back into place.

___V___ (with clenched fists): He's got her!!

Something red crawls on the ceiling above the two men, and a loud, maniacal laughter reverberates everywhere.

"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-19-2007, 08:52 AM
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Rewinding the clock back to earlier in the gloomy, overcast day. Cut to a scene inside the "Masque Inn" bar, in the centre of Drongo Pass town. The bartender, Flayed One, whistles as he polishes another glass and puts it on the shelf behind him. He then looks at the scene in front of him.

All the bar tables are empty, except the one in the center. A big group has gathered around it, and they are murmuring excitedly to each other while looking on. A game of poker is in progress, and the person with his back to Flayed One, checks his cards in absolute glee. He is PR3SSUR3.

PR3SSUR3 (with a wicked smile): 25 grand...and I raise you 25 more!

Player 1 (throwing his cards in): Too big for me.

Player 2 (doing the same): Me too.

The other 2 players sitting on the other side look at the stranger sitting in front of PR3SSUR3. He has his hat low down, covering almost all of his face...a rather handsome chin can be seen though. He throws a bag into the big pile of money in the centre and speaks.

The Stranger (with quiet confidence): 50,000...and raise 50 more.

The other 2 players look at each other, then chuck their cards in...sitting back and looking at PR3SSUR3. His smile is frozen in his face like a half-smirk of a dumbwit, and his brains tick furiously thinking of a response to react.

PR3SSUR3 (with utter disbelief): I-I-I think you are bluff-ffing-g-ggg...

The Stranger (lifting head and looking straight at PR3SSUR3): There's only one way of knowing that, isn't it?

The Stranger is revealed to be Massacre Man.

PR3SSUR3 (deciding something): Hey Flayed, gimme some more money! I'll hand it back to ya in a couple minutes!

Flayed One (negatively): You already have taken enough. No more!


Flayed One (looking forward with a straight face): Don't you dare yell at me, fiddlenuts! You'll have it. (murmuring to himself) Just wait till I get it all back, you no-good SOB...

Flayed One hands a sheaf of green bills to the person in front of him, who walks over to PR3SSUR3 and hands it to him. PR3SSUR3 throws it carelessly into the pile in the center, and looks up at Massacre Man.

PR3SSUR3: I call! Let's see what you got, horseface!

Massacre Man (leaning forward): You go first.

PR3SSUR3's face breaks into a wide, evil grin...which reveals two gold teeth in front. He looks at his cards with smug satisfaction, then reveals them one by one slowly.

PR3SSUR3 (savoring each moment): An Ace...and another Ace...with a King...another King...and...there's another King. Fuckin' boat!

Massacre Man (looking at the cards): That's all?

PR3SSUR3 (with an incredible look): That's...the game, asswipe!! Beat that if you can, motherf-!

Massacre Man (with sudden savagery): Shut your trap!

Massacre Man flips his cards around and puts them down on the table in a neat line in front of him. Everyone watching let out surprised groans, with some of them clicking their tongues sympathetically. A sudden, overpowering silence envelops the air.

For the cards are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...of hearts. A Straight Flush!

Massacre Man (quietly): You lost.

PR3SSUR3 looks at the 5 cards with his eyes bulged out. His mouth is dropped open and he looks at Massacre Man, totally shocked. Massacre Man stands up and leans forward towards the pile. PR3SSUR3 comes back to his senses, and decides in his mind. Flayed One is watching on, and he senses something. His hands tighten on the shotgun under the cabinet in front of him.

PR3SSUR3 (with a low growl): You can't have that, butthead!

Massacre Man (looking up): Says who?


PR3SSUR3's hands grab his guns tightly, and they are out in a flash. Massacre Man has a glimpse of steel in front of him, and takes two quick, sudden steps back. PR3SSUR3's fingers tighten on the triggers...and just then, 4 shots echo around the bar in rapid succession. PR3SSUR3 turns at the entrance, with a surprised look on his face. Then he looks down at the gaping holes in both his hands...the guns dropping from them onto the floor. He sinks heavily on top of them, feeling the stinging pain from his hands and thighs...and lets out a series of loud moans.

Massacre Man looks at PR3SSUR3, and whirls at the entrance doors at the same time everyone does. Flayed One looks too, and nods approvingly. Massacre Man realises who is standing there, and smiles.

___V___ (putting his guns back in): You will live...till the next time. Pick up your money, Massacre Man.
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-19-2007, 10:10 PM
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___V___ walks over to the counter, and sits down. Flayed One walks over with an inquiring look, but ___V___ shakes his head at him...Flayed One shrugs and goes back attending to other customers. A couple of guys lift PR3SSUR3, who gets up shakily and keeps yelling in pain, and escort him out of the bar. Massacre Man gathers up the money in a small duffel bag he's got with him, and walks over to ___V___ with a big smile.

Massacre Man (grinning): You came just in the nick of time.

___V___ (looking straight ahead): How did you end up here? I thought you had gone camping.

Massacre Man (reminisces): Long story cut short. I was in a werewolf situation, and Rayne...anyway, after that, Zero jumped me and bit me on the hand then disappeared. But not before I stuck a tracker on his back. I remember cutting him into pieces before...but how the hell did he get together again is beyond me...the tracker on his body brought me here, and I was looking for a drink before moving on, but got challenged to a poker match by Mr. Wussyface.

___V___ (looking at him): You said you were bitten?

Massacre Man (lifting his sleeve up): Hell yeah. Look at this.

The bite marks on Massacre Man aren't ordinary ones. Something deep inside the torn veins and red blood glowed bright green for some reason. ___V___ looks back at him.

___V___: Have you changed since then?

Massacre Man: Changed? what changed? I have stopped watching porn, if thats what you mean.

___V___ (keenly): No...changed into a werewolf yourself?

Massacre Man (surprised): Nope. I mean...not yet.

___V___: Put your hand out for a sec.

___V___ grabs a syringe from inside his jacket, and plunges it into the wound of Massacre Man, who winces for a moment. ___V___ drains the entire blue liquid into it, and then throws the syringe away.

___V___: If this works, good. If not...

Massacre Man: So...whats your story?

___V___: The block was quarantined. Some sort of viral outbreak...I got infected and they sent guards. Finished off everyone except a young chap who popped a bullet inside me and jumped out of the window himself, after I spitted on him. Luckily, he fell on an antidote-supply truck. He must have stopped it and got a shot for himself...because I crawled to the window to look what happened to him and noticed the truck stopping myself. I fell on it too...but the cover gave way under me and I fell straight into a full crate of antidotes, and got stuck with several syringes...

Massacre Man: Wow...seems like the shit never stops with us does it...anyway, I am tracking the redhead nuisance once and for all and putting an end to this.

___V___ (staring into space, unmindful of Massacre Man's response): The shots did something...at first I thought it was the antidote doing its work...but no. Something...something still runs inside me...

Massacre Man (staring): You okay? What about the bullet wound?

___V___ (coming back to the present): Yeah. And I still got the bullet inside me. (points to his chest)

Massacre Man: We gotta get you to a doctor and pull it out before-

Something inside Massacre Man's pocket beeps suddenly, and he fumbles into it and brings it out. Its a small, round device with a screen in its center. A red dot glows on it.

Massacre Man (excited): He's nearby.

___V___: Let's go.

A voice: What's the rush, ___V___ ?

___V___ and Massacre Man turn towards the entrance, to see a tall, shivering figure wrapped in a blanket, smiling at them. It's VampiricClown.

___V___: What are you doing here?

VampiricClown: Same as you. I came looking for answers.

___V___: Answers? You shot me and got cured of the virus. Happy ending for you.

VampiricClown: Yes, but I was given a job. And I intend on finishing it. I would-

___V___: And do what...pump another bullet into me?

VampiricClown: Nope. Don't get me wrong, ___V___. I am here to track down the person who invented the virus.

Massacre Man: Wait...the virus was invented?

VampiricClown: Yes, and the person lives near this town. So I was told by my chief.

___V___: You got more on your plate that you thought, officer. Its not only the virus and people you gotta contend with right now.

VampiricClown (turning slightly pale): What do you mean?

___V___: You will see.

Massacre Man (turning towards ___V___): See if we can get a ride northwards. I noticed stagecoaches lining up before the station in front. Till then, I ll go get some stuff...

___V___: Don't go looking for the signal yourself, Massacre Man. You might run into trouble...or an ambush.

Massacre Man: Nah. That's for us to deal with. I'll just get some stuff which we might need. (looks away for a moment)

___V___: Meet me in front of the station in 30 minutes.

They start to walk out of the bar, when a voice rings out from behind them.

Flayed One: Looks like you fine gents would need this. (tosses the shotgun to the three of 'em)

Massacre Man (grabbing it): Do you have some shells to spare?

___V___ and VampiricClown walk out, towards the station. Massacre Man comes out a few minutes later, holding the shotgun and looks at the receding figures. He takes the beeper out again and stares into it. His eyes light up while looking at it, and he looks in the opposite direction at a house nearby...then hurries towards it.

___V___ approaches the driver closest to him, which is Alkytrio.

___V___: Which way are you headed? And in how much time?

Alkytrio: Northwards on to Synthelvania. We leave in an hour.

___V___: Alright. I am expecting a friend to join us, so we have plenty of time.

Alkytrio: Leave a seat on the far side, you both. There's a booking for that already.

___V___ looks back questioningly at Alkytrio as VampiricClown climbs in.

Alkytrio: A lady. Hammerfan.
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-21-2007, 12:57 AM
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Inside a nearby office, Sheriff Tic addresses his deputies.

Tic: This is the fourth disappearance this month! Last night, Hellfire1 was out for a midnight stroll and never got back home...

Deputy FerretChucker: What about my ferrets? They have been disappearing all over the place!

Deputy Marya Zaleska: Shut it, kid. This is serious.

Deputy Fortunato: I really think we should take a closer look at that mansion up north. It had been abandoned for a long time, but lately I see some signs of life around it.

Tic (curiously): Such as?

Fortunato: Wolves and such. They usually dont frequent an area unless there is something to eat.

FerretChucker (in a low voice): Nobody takes my ferrets seriously...

Tic (impatiently): Not one more word about ferrets! Cant you realise how serious this situation is, young man? If one more person disappears, the Mayor has declared that he will have our badges.

Fortunato: I had made a round of that place a week back. At first I thought someone was looking at me through one of the windows, but when I looked back no-one was there. The place sure is creepy...especially at night, with the jungle and wolves around.

Marya Zaleska: It would be better to go prepared.

Tic: Alright. Get all the stuff we need. We leave rightaway.

Marya Zaleska: Do we take the car, or our horses?

Tic: Horses. I dont want to get stuck in that place at night with the car broken down.

FerretChucker (to himself): My ferrets wo-

Fortunato (pointing at FerretChucker): Can I put a bullet in his head first, Sheriff?

All three glare at FerretChucker, who looks downwards, grumbling. They then walk out of the office into the nearby shed and take out their horses. Fortunato follows them into it, with a green bag.

FerretChucker: A ferret would move much faster than a horse.

Marya Zaleska (angrily): And...your point is?

FerretChucker (stammering hurriedly): N-n-nothing.

Tic: Looks like a storm is headed our way. It might rain soon.

Fortunato: Lets hope we get back by then. (loads his shotgun)

The small group rides out into the path leading northwards and cross a sign which says "Synthelvania - 85M."

Rolling back into the present in the mansion, ___V___ and Disease try the door which has been shut in front of them...which doesnt budge despite their best efforts.

___V___: UNGHHHHH!!! Damn thing is shut tight. I ll go around and look for the other entrance. You keep trying this door. If it doesnt open soon, ram into it.

Disease: Okay.

___V___ runs out of the room and looks left and right, then decides something and disappears on the corridor to the right. He fails to notice the red figure crawling down from the ceiling in the room he just left, and the door closes shut.

Disease keeps trying the door and suddenly, the red figure jumps on him from behind. Severely startled, Disease whirls around and comes face to face with...ZERO! He tries to keep his face away from his snappy jaws, but by then Zero has grabbed him with his pointed paws, and bites his ear clean off. Disease yells and tries to pull him away with an iron grasp, and Zero comes loose...not before he has left bite marks on Disease's face and arms. Disease covers his ear with one hand to stop the bleeding, and by then Zero disappears into a dark corner of the room.

Disease (groaning in pain in-between deep breaths): Damn you, redheaded primate! You are so going down for this!!

The door behind Disease gently opens, and he fails to see an arm extended towards his head...holding a huge wrench.


He is hit on the head hard and crumples on the floor. Austin walks over and smiles at him. Disease lifts his head with a superhuman effort and looks at Austin with blurry vision.

Austin (grinning sarcastically): Ah, the new boy. Ears are too long and I miss the determination. But not too shabby. Not too shabby at all.

Disease (before passing out): So you fell in a tank of acid...got your skin bleached..............and decided to.........become a villain. Couldn't you.............get a job as........a rodeo clown-nnn...?

Disease becomes unconscious, and Austin's smile widens. He grabs ahold of Disease's leg and pulls him into the room, as Zero chomps on Disease's ear and looks on.
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-24-2007, 09:00 AM
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Tic, Fortunato, Marya Zaleska and FerretChucker are riding up to the mansion.

Tic: Let's leave the horses near the cave. We can't be too close to the mansion to alert anyone inside it.

Fortunato: I think I saw an old codger in there somewhere...come to think about it now, I am not so sure.

FerretChucker: It would have helped if I had brought one of my ferret specials...

Marya Zaleska: Good thing you didn't. Or I would have stuffed it with you.

They leave their horses near a cave near the mansion, about which Tic knows. They then proceed in foot, cautiously...as the skies darken and the first drops of rain spatter on and around them.

Marya Zaleska (to Fortunato): Make sure the ammunition doesn't get wet.

Fortunato: Don't worry. I got it.

They approach the big gates of the mansion which is chained shut, then look around it, peering inside into the garden and the huge house beyond.

Tic (in a low voice): This gate will take some opening. And we can't afford to fire our guns just yet. Marya and Fortunato, find us another entry.

Marya Zaleska (silently): We are on it.

FerretChucker: Why not me?

Tic (glaring and whispering): Keep your voice down...

Fortunato and Marya disappear for a bit, and after a few minutes Marya comes running back to Tic and FerretChucker.

Marya Zaleska (excitedly in-between breaths): Fortunato found a smaller gate on the backside, over which we can climb in. And we saw the old man again...he was pulling something inside the side-door of the house. It looked odd and heavy, in a black bag of sorts...

Tic (urgently): There is not a moment to lose. Someone's life may depend on how quick we are.

Tic, Marya and FerretChucker hurry to Fortunato, who waits beside the smaller gate behind the mansion. By then, its pouring rain on all sides, with long flashes of lightning and loud rumbles of thunder everywhere.

Fortunato: I ll go first. Then lets chuck FerretChucker in, since he's the smallest.

All four climb in, and then cautiously move forward.

FerretChucker (in a low voice): Wish I had a ferr-

Fortunato: Quiet! I hear some sounds nearby.

An odd, shuffling sound comes from behind the long door beside them. All 4 stop dead in their tracks, listening. Suddenly, the ground below them gives away...and they fall in with a huge yell!
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 10-27-2007, 07:41 AM
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A shot of the horses standing in the darkness, only slight shines from their fur can be seen, all of a sudden a loud noise is heard and the horses are gone when lightning strikes, when it strikes again a horse leg eaten to the bone pops out of the cave and hits the ground

The four officers lay on the ground of the basement, injured but not badly, the room is extremely well-lit and bodies stacked around, the fresher ones are stacked on top of the older ones that have began to gather flies and smell bad, there is a hole dug into the wall it's completely pitch black inside, they see no other way out besides a hole in the ceiling that the bodies came from, in the hole in the ceiling they manage to figure out that the room above is much dimmer in terms of light and small streams of blood and green liquids are dripping into the hole

Fortunato: Okay, think, how do we get out of here?

Ferretchucker: Well if we...

Tic: I swear... if you mention a ferret again this room will be one body richer.

Ferretchucker: What do you mean by that?

Marya: Why don't we try that cave?

The group finally notices the hole in the wall.

Fortunato: It's too dark, we don't know what's in there.

Tic: Ferret, go check it out.

Ferretchucker: Finally! I get to do something!

Ferretchuker runs and jumps into the hole in the wall while Fortunato is looking around the room for another exit besides the two holes in the ceiling, he spots Ferretchucker hopping into the hole

Fortunato: Ferret wait...

Ferretchucker ignores him and moves on into the darkness, Marya spots the wall opening up.

Marya (whispering): Hide!

Tic runs and hides in the front of the hole, Marya lays on top of one of the bodies and pretends to be dead, Fortunato tries the same but falls through a pile of corpses, Neverending enters and grabs Marya by the leg, thinking that he's dragging a body, Ferretchucker's voice can be heard from deep within the hole

Ferretchuker: Guys! Someone killed the horses

Neverending turns, alerted. He looks at Marya who has started breathing again.

Neverending: Boss! Boss!

After a few seconds Austin leaps in from the room above them, he swiftly takes a syringe and sticks into Marya's arm, it's only sedative, he turns and sticks his hand into the cave, he pulls Tic out by his leg and sticks him with another syringe containing the same sedative, Ferretchucker falls out of the hole as if he was thrown, his nose has been ripped off, Austin looks down at him.

Austin: It appears my little creation has gotten ahold of him, I have no use for you, Neverending, do what you will with him.

Neverending: Yes, sir.

Austin and Nevernding exit the room, Austin dragging Tic, Neverending dragging Marya and holding Ferretchucker over his shoulder, the wall closes again behind them, Fortunato emerges from the bodies just in time to not be noticed.

Last edited by _____V_____; 11-27-2009 at 05:02 AM.
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Old 10-27-2007, 10:12 AM
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__V__ returns to the room Disease had been dragged from a few moments after Zero left, he is holding a large duffle bag, he spots the blood on the ground

__V__: Shit...

__V__ picks up a stick of dynamite from the bag, as he prepares to set it on the door he realizes it is open, he puts the dynamite away, a hand grabs his shouder, he quickly turns and is face-to-face with Neverending

Neverending: Boss! I got another one! Boss! Boss!

__V__ swings the duffle bag and hits Neverending in the face, knocking him to the ground. Austin's voice can be heard coming toward them getting louder as his footsteps get closer.

Austin: Ahh, you make a rather good pet, looks like I'll have to buy you a brand new...

Austin enters the room and sees __V__ standing over Neverending

Austin (Surprised): Toy...

__V__ pulls out his guns and puts a few bullets into Austin who falls over, he then runs off into the room to find Disease and Hammerfan as Austin and Neverending sit up, he spots Marya, Hammerfan, and Tic strapped to tables with wire hookups similar to VampiricClown, but no fluids have begun flowing yet. he hears a noise in a closet nearby, he opens the door and finds Disease tied next to Ferretchucker, who has had his mouth sewn shut, Disease hasn't been harmed yet.

__V__: Come on out, I got ya.

__V__ unties the two, they've passed out from the blood loss, __V__ stands up and is grabbed by Austin

Austin: Listen buddy, you're really putting a damper on my plans, we can't have that, now can we? I like you, perhaps we can form a bond.

__V__ slips out of Austin's grip but gets stuck with another syringe, he falls down, just before passing out he sees Neverending standing over him with a black eye and bruised face
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Old 10-27-2007, 06:34 PM
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Outside of the mansion, the rain is coming down in sheets, a green '70s style van with it's lights off slowly drives out in front of the gate, it has tinted windows as not to show the driver, the door opens, the only thing visible is 2 boots stepping out of the van, the driver slams the door to the van shut, the driver fires a shot from a shotgun, the lock on the gate drops on the ground, cut to Fortunato in the room full of bodies, he keeps inching toward the cave, then backs away through fear of entering. He hears a sound coming from the cave, he backs away from it, Zero jumps out at him.

Fortunato: What the hell?

Fortunato walks to Zero who is staring at him innocently, he kneels down.

Fortunato: How did you get here?

Fortunato puts his hand out to pat Zero on the head when he hears a voice.

Voice: Don't touch him!

Fortunato looks up, he can only make out the shape of the man above, he is at the hole that he and his fellow officers had fallen through.

Fortunato: And why's that?

Zero bites Fortunato's hand and pulls his head down by his shirt collar and starts biting him.

Voice: That's why...

The driver shoots at Zero who then scurries off back into the cave. Austin leaps back down from the room above, The Driver walks away

Austin: Well, todays just my lucky day, isn't it? 4 pigs in a day! If they still made hot dogs from pork I'd be rich.

Austin notices the bite marks

Austin: Oh what's that? Another one! Damn it Zero! You're making my job really hard when you keep ruining my patients! Neverending! Open the door!

The wall opens up again, Austin exits dragging Fortunato.

Cut to __V__ waking up with his arms and legs strapped down, Austin is standing over him.

Austin: Good morning, sunshine! Now, this is very out or routine for me, I normally leave my... subjects... sedated. But since you've been sticking your nose in my business I'd let you see what it's like to have you skull cut open.

Austin picks up a scalpel, then puts it down.

Austin: But first... How would you like to see my little concoction at work?

Austin turns __V__'s table so that he is looking at Marya, Tic, and Hammerfan, Austin then turns a switch, the fluids flow into Marya first, after about a minute they stop and then the fluids start going into Tic, the machine stops.

Austin: Damn Zombie labor! Neverending!

Neverending enters.

Neverending: Yes, boss?

Austin: Get this running again.

Neverending makes his way over and starts to operate on the machine, Austin turns back to __V__

Austin: Just give it a minute.

Something sneaks up behind Austin and hits him in the back of the head, knocking him out, the driver is revealed to be Massacre Man. Massacre Man then unlatches a cuff on __V__'s hand as the machine starts and finsishes off Tic, and starts on Hammerfan a small bit of fluid gets in before Massacre Man snatches the wires out and __V__ draws one of his guns and empties his last bullet into Neverending's head
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