I Am Legend - Will Smith Interview

I Am Legend - Will Smith Interview
An interview with the legendary Will Smith, star of the sci-fi horror movie I Am Legend.
Updated: 05-20-2009

I Am Legend, the new post-apocalyptic sci-fi horror blockbuster starring Will Smith, opens this weekend. The movie (based on a famous novel of the same name by Richard Matheson) tells the story of a man-made virus which causes most of the world's population to mutate into dangerous vampire-like creatures. Will Smith finds himself alone and in danger, possibly the last uninfected human left in New York.

Recently, Horror.com's Staci Wilson had a chance to chat with Will Smith about I Am Legend. Here is what Mr. Smith had to say about his big budget last-man-standing film:



Now that you've seen the I Am Legend video interview, check out these related links:


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