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Conversation Between brainscan and anglewitch
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 49 of 49
  1. anglewitch
    08-24-2016 11:42 AM

  2. anglewitch
    08-23-2016 12:48 PM
    Ah thank you.......
    Yep, my brain's just fine.
  3. anglewitch
    08-23-2016 12:40 PM
    Do you have an ice-cream scoop? I need to take my brain out and see if it's working properly.
  4. brainscan
    08-23-2016 12:38 PM
    you're gonna have to be ^_^
  5. anglewitch
    08-23-2016 11:30 AM
    I just might be crazy enough to befriend you. J/K ;)
  6. anglewitch
    08-18-2016 08:22 PM
    Your welcome!
  7. anglewitch
    08-16-2016 08:59 PM
    Okay your welcome anytime at the theatre. No charge, well you do have to give me your soul! J/k.

    We're now going to keep the theatre at a steady pace of two films a month. It was like a film every so many months before we got this unlimited Internet service.
  8. brainscan
    08-16-2016 08:54 PM
    not yet been too busy watching old Dark Shadows reruns on Youtube
  9. anglewitch
    08-16-2016 08:50 PM
    I see that you have joined the theatre group. Have you enjoyed any of the films so far?

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