Conversation Between Martha and anglewitch
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 137
Hi there! See you haven't been around for a time. Oh, well I was out too.
When you come back look me up so we can get some mischief going!
Till then! Bye!
Glad to see that the forum is back up. Missed it.
How are you doing?
How have you been doing? I'm just fine but have been very busy.
But I am still Hell In A Dress!
Well, The Gruesome Twosome are back. Anglewitch and Hell In A Dress!
Thank you.
*Sits down at kitchen table and sips a cup tea*
Everything has been doing fine in my world. Had a few problems, but I sorted them out.
I thought they were updating this forum. But I guess it crashed or something.
And how are you doing? I missed you during the down time. I thought that the forum was gone. Glad that it's back up.
Certainly! You are always welcome!
Sorry, I just made a big ass crater in your front yard. Mind if I come in?