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Conversation Between anglewitch and SerialKiller
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 99
  1. anglewitch
    12-07-2015 12:25 PM
    Our cats were acting nutty on Thanksgiving. Yeah the turkey was alright, it didn't taste as good as the wild turkey we had last year. The guts were warm and oogy, BLEAH! Why do we hunters have to gut deer? It's not like were gonna eat anything on the inside. Man you won't believe this...
    I was at the library the other day and I found this discarded book on Greek Warfare. So I said "Great I need some more history material on Greece". Well I forgot that my dad is a complete Greek and Roman History fanatic (Not to say I am too), He saw the book and got really jealous. He offered me a book on Stonehenge but I turned his offer down because I already have a couple hundred books about Stonehenge. Then a few days later, he offers me his whole heavy metal, death metal, rock, cross over, and punk cd collection. Then I accepted that trade. I had to trade the book for those cd's anyway I overheard him talking to mom about selling his cd collection.
  2. SerialKiller
    11-29-2015 02:30 AM
    It was a happy Thanksgiving indeed, Witch. My cat enjoyed it as well, he got his own plate. :P How was your Turkey day? WTF who would dress up as a carpenter for Halloween? That made me giggle a little bit. Just random. Um yes, your deer guts story upstages my deer leg story quite a bit. :/ I would lose my everloving mind if that happened to me.
  3. anglewitch
    11-26-2015 07:04 AM
    Happy Thanksgiving Serial Killer!
    Yeah people can be real buttholes, the guy who poked out the screen which was the pupil of my sisters mask was dressed up as a carpenter, man people don't even try to make scary costumes anymore. I always wanted to get one of those rubber mask making sets. Stepped on a deer leg? That's nothin compared to what I am going to tell you, I once stepped in where a hunter had left a pile of deer guts. Man I felt sick after that of course, I felt extremely sad about that, people should give a deer a proper burial. Well I don't want to make you sick before you eat you thanksgiving dinner, bye:).
  4. SerialKiller
    11-26-2015 02:26 AM
    Your sister's costume sounds pretty cool. Sheesh, people can be so rude sometimes though. Just because one is dressed as an eyeball, doesn't give others permission to poke. My brother doesn't share my love of costumes, so he hasn't dressed up since he was about 12. I was out running this evening & tripped over something. I looked down & it was a LEG. A deer's leg. I was ickied out, but I assumed it was the scraps left over by some hunter. I am surrounded by woods. It kind of made me sad. I couldn't kill animals myself, but my father was a hunter, & my grandfather is too. Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving!
  5. anglewitch
    11-23-2015 11:14 AM
    My sister was a giant eyeball once, very effective till some jerkwad poked the pupil of the eye. Nearly poked the pupil of my sisters REAL eye.
    I shot a deer this morning. I am not really the hunting type, I love animals, but I am stuck. My grandfather is the hunter of the family, but he is getting to old so I have to be the next hunter. Dad can't bring himself to kill deer, I can hardly shoot a deer myself, but WHY DO THEY TASTE SO DAMN GOOD!?
  6. SerialKiller
    11-22-2015 04:40 PM
    I once tried to make my own costume. I thought it was a pretty good job too. I went through a haunted house though, & my eyeball fell off somewhere in the middle. :/ I don't think I used enough glue. The guys who worked inside were crawling around on the floor with me trying to help me find my missing eyeball, & we never did find it! I often wonder if anyone ever came across it, or if it was just stepped on. So you look older than you are? I have the opposite problem. People never believe me when I say I'm 25, they always card me. Do you like school pretty well? My cousin is almost 15, & she's already wanting to leave school. :( She wants me to home-school her, & I'm kinda in the middle of my own craziness.
  7. anglewitch
    11-21-2015 10:36 AM
    Thanks for the compliments on the costume. I made the mask out of paper and sticks. I make my own costumes. I did enjoy the concert, it was in a club. I am one of those guys who looks like they are in there twenties, well when I was watching the show this drunk guy comes up to me and says "Hic* Why aren't drinking like the rest of us?" man I barely understand what that guy said but I figured it out later.
  8. SerialKiller
    11-19-2015 09:18 PM
    I used to listen to a little Danzig couple years back, & had no clue about The Misfits, or Samhain(whom I hadn't heard of before.) Did you enjoy the show you went to though? I saw your costume, & it's amazing. Effectively creepy.
  9. anglewitch
    11-18-2015 10:44 AM
    Yeah I will check out this Helloween band. I went to see the band Danzig a few years ago. The lead singer for Danzig created The Misfits and Samhain.
    They didn't really play any Danzig songs just all of the awesome Misfit songs.
    I had a great halloween, there is a pic of my homemade costume on Happy Halloween thread, On the general forum section.
  10. SerialKiller
    11-17-2015 05:38 PM
    Hey Witch, Haven't heard from him yet, so maybe so. Helloween is a band from Germany. I just got into them a little while ago. I have not listened to the Misfits at all, except a long time ago. I listened to their song Who Killed Marilyn, because I love Marilyn Monroe. Not a bad song. I will check out their Halloween songs. Did you have a good Halloween boy? Mine was so so. Too much candy, too much alcohol. I didn't dress up though, I went out as myself which is scary enough. :D

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