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Conversation Between anglewitch and SerialKiller
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 99
  1. SerialKiller
    09-13-2016 11:10 AM
    German now, I see. Thanks for not sending me to google to translate that. That's kinda perfect timing. I'm 99% sure my Halloween costume will be something Military themed. Fake blood, maybe some latex. I'm still working on it. I'm off to listen now, I'll let you know. Thanks Sugar.
  2. anglewitch
    09-08-2016 12:38 PM
    Ah sehe ich, dass es gut beschäftigt zu halten.
    (German for: Ah I see, it's good to keep busy)

    Oh I discovered a new band called sabaton.


    The art of war
    a cool song about Napoleon
    Primo Victoria
    Cliffs of Gallipoli

    Let me know if you like these and I'll send you more.
  3. SerialKiller
    09-08-2016 12:37 PM
    I've been busy keeping my body count up.
  4. anglewitch
    09-08-2016 12:31 PM
    Yes and no. It's stupid but in a good way....
  5. SerialKiller
    09-08-2016 12:29 PM
    Did you like the movie Rock N Roll High School?
  6. anglewitch
    08-21-2016 08:51 PM
    Get back here and start serial killing again!
  7. anglewitch
    07-06-2016 12:46 PM
    I partied out when I got the results. I played Iron Maiden and Ramone songs on the stereo really loud. The Ramone song I played was rock'n roll high school. I thought it would be fitting.
  8. SerialKiller
    07-06-2016 09:42 AM
    Way to go kid. That's awesome sauce. :D
  9. anglewitch
    06-23-2016 06:06 AM
    All I can remember is that she made booby traps, she had a crush on batman,
    and she uses a huge clown hammer on her victims. I PASSED THE TEST WOOOHOOO! Like I said I NAILED it!
  10. SerialKiller
    06-02-2016 03:21 AM
    So she's the Joker's kind of hot sidekick. If she has super powers I'm sold. Talismans can be lucky can't they? I was home schooled for most of my high school years. I didn't mix well with the hillbilly kids. I wore all black in those days. We moved every couple of months, that didn't help either. Best of luck on your test results!! Don't get into too much trouble this Summer, but don't get into too little trouble either.

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