Conversation Between ChronoGrl and anglewitch
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
I want to apologize to you on how I said you were wrong about the existence of The Fingernails Of Dracula. I admit that I am very stupid, and that I let my precious idea that I had all the Dracula films get out of hand. I know this is late, I went back to the Hammer thread and saw those posts I made and then thought that probably pissed you off.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas.
I am going to my sister place on a Halloween, were going to watch the Shining at the App Theater. Then were going to eat out. What would you recommend as a good Halloween eat out dinner?
I have a great costume for halloween this year. I make my own costumes.
My best creation so far was the grim reaper
Thanks for befriending me.
Do you know why v was banned? I am kind of curious.