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Conversation Between anglewitch and SerialKiller
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 99
  1. anglewitch
    05-31-2016 04:07 PM
    Harley Quinn is or was the Joker's sidekick. When I was little I thought she was kind of hot for some reason. I don't think you would be offended. Runes can be used for many things, they can be used as talismans, as tarot so on so forth. I finished my end of year test at home school last Sunday. I feel, actually I know I nailed it. Now I have to wait for the damn results to come in the mail. I HATE SUSPENSE! Sorry, freaked out there. I'm done for the school year.
    .... WHOOPEE!
  2. SerialKiller
    05-30-2016 04:43 PM
    Who is Harley Quinn? Should I be offended? How do you use these Runes? Just curious. The only news I have is, I've started college classes to get my degree. I'm off to read now, the suspense has nearly killed me. :p

    Also, Viva Las Vegas! Sinning is more fun than snails.
  3. anglewitch
    05-29-2016 02:17 PM
    You kind of look line Harley Quinn (No offense). Chapter three is the mail. There are a few things I am going to change in the story. But I am still sending you the original. I got a set of runes made of amethyst. They will work better than the granite set I have, for amethyst is my birth stone.

    Don't ask me why I typed this but here it goes.

    Viva France!
  4. SerialKiller
    04-18-2016 03:48 PM
    Oh am I in charge of my dreams? Somebody should have told me this long ago. It would have saved me a lot of trouble. I'm getting ready to listen to this song now, will let you know. Off to pm now because I have news!
  5. anglewitch
    03-30-2016 08:43 PM
    Here's a Raven song I think you would like.
  6. anglewitch
    03-29-2016 09:16 AM
    Next time try and batter down the walls. You are in charge of your dreams. Make the walls like paper, turn the snakes into frogs. Dead body huh. Was it somebody you know? I have three different copies one is from the 80's the other is from the 70'sm I don't know how old the other copy is but it's definitely from the 2000's. You have a treasure, take good care of it. I finished the short story! I will tell you all about it later.
  7. SerialKiller
    03-28-2016 12:02 PM
    I will certainly try. Usually I run screaming, while epically failing to climb the walls I'm surrounded by. I have weird dreams. Last night I dreamed I found a dead body in the woods. I like antique stores. I have a 2 story one not even 10 minutes away. I just haven't had time to check it out yet. I like flea markets & estate sales, garage sales, things like that. I have a copy of Mr Poe's <3 work also. This is the 1920's book, so the pages are all yellow. I think it adds something to the experience of reading it. Your enthusiasm for Agatha & Arthur is noted & impressive. I know some people who don't even know who they are. What is it that Martin Poe investigates?
  8. anglewitch
    03-27-2016 10:10 AM
    Next time you dream of snakes, try and kill them! I found the sword in an old antique store in the previous town I lived in. I was good friends with the woman that worked there. She always gave me discounts. Your close on the Martin Poe, I was trying to come up with name for my detective I all could think of was Martin. "Martin what?" I repeated to myself over and over until I saw my copy of The Works Of Edgar Allen Poe. "That's it!" I exclaimed. Then that night of August 4th 2015 a new detective was born.
    I made that sounded to much like a story.
    I LOVE AGATHA CHRISTIE!!! and ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE!!! Poirot and Sherlock Holmes two of the greatest detectives that have ever been created in the minds of the two most greatest mystery writers!
  9. SerialKiller
    03-26-2016 03:34 PM
    Is that so? I've never known a beekeeper before. It's been awhile since I've been to a concert. I'm going to go see GNR only because they're my favorite band ever. This may be the only chance I get. I dream a lot about snakes, very unpleasant dreams. A calvary sword from India?? How did you acquire such a thing?? I'm assuming these Satyrs kidnap & also rape? Tsk tsk. They sound like a nasty piece of work. I like mystery stories, I like Agatha Christie's work especially. Is Martin Poe any relation to Edgar, or do you just like the name? I'm supposed to go visit someone in jail next week. I'm nervous AF, & kinda don't want to go,but I was told it was important. My curiosity wont leave me be.
  10. anglewitch
    03-25-2016 10:10 AM
    Yep I'm a beekeeper. I am writing a short mystery story right now. It's my second one. I created a detective called Martin Poe.
    I would have been mad as hell and would have turned into a berserker if that happened to me at a Motor Head concert.
    Same way with me in dreams. Then there are the things that symbolize things to come like, a snake in your dream is bad luck, a cat in dream is bad luck especially if it has wings, dogs are good luck.
    I know how sharpen and use swords. I wanted to be a blacksmith but unfortunately factories have replaced them. I have an old antique Calvary Sword from India, but I fear to use it for it may break.
    Herne is the god of the forests and woodlands. They say he was the god that Robin Hood and his merry men worshiped in Sherwood. Sayters have goat horns or sometimes ram, the have goat legs and a permanent uh erection,and they kidnap women all the time. You might not see one, they're in hiding now.

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