Conversation Between anglewitch and SerialKiller
Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 99
Well I hope it works, if it doesn't you can always kick your boyfriends window and break the glass J/k.
What happened to your dad?
I have not listened to Helloween, what band sang the song?
Have you listened to Halloween and Halloween 2 By the Misfits?
Hello, hello. Friday I went to the ball game & took my balloon with me. Mission accomplished, now I'm just curious. Waiting to see. So no more weird shirtless guy walking by your house? That made me laugh for some reason. My father was stationed at Fort Campbell. I love Phantom of the Opera. <3 I personally think it's a masterpiece. I can remember the first time I heard Wasted Years, I went out & got Somewhere in Time. That was my introduction to Iron Maiden. I will listen to Raven tonight. I'm not up to much of anything else, may as well listen to music while I'm at it. :) Have you ever listened to Helloween???
Some of raven songs are good. I would recommend their album All Systems Go. You should listen to All For One, Don't need your money, Tyrants Of The Airways. Their cover version of Born To Be Wild is hilarious, so I recommend that song too.
Have you ever listened to Phantom of The Opera by Iron Maiden?
That balloon spell should work. It worked for me when I used it to get rid of this weird shirtless guy that kept walking by our house. So I tried it out on him, after two days he was gone. And your welcome, like I said before if that spell does not work let me know I have more;).
Where was your dad stationed at?
Well let's see. I don't think I have any Ajenjible, but I do have balloons. And of course an ink pen, so I will try this. I'll be at a football game tomorrow night, & I think that would be an excellent time & place. No trees around either. Thanks a million, Witch. Oh, & my father was in the same line of business too. Super proud of him. <3
Ok, here is simple banishing spell. You will need to get an herb called Ajenjible. It is an herb that is used in Laten America as culinary and mechanical purposes. Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water on it. After doing this strain the liquid out of the botanical in to a jar. Then use it as the final laundry rinse for your Xboyfriend's clothing.
I don't like that one too much here is an even simpler one.
Balloon Banishing Spell
Write the name of your boyfriend on a slip of paper I recommend adding his middle name and birth date so it would be a little more accurate. Then insert the paper into the balloon inflated or deflated which ever is easier. Then blow up the balloon and take it to an appropriate place. Then finally release it into the air and let is float away. Make sure it does not fly into any tree because if it pops too soon it might blow up your x boyfriend.
That balloon spell should work.
Jeepers. OK. Lay it on me, & I'll give it a go. 50 cents at a thrift store is impressive, I rarely find good books at the thrift stores around here. That goes for the library too. :/ Amazon is my usual go to. I sometimes have luck if I go to a major flea market about 20 miles from my home. That's only Spring/Summer though. You're so lucky you got to see Sabbath in concert! I obviously, have not. :( Yes, I got into metal when I was around 14 & grew up listening to those bands, Judas Priest & Metallica are 2 of my favorites. I haven't heard of Raven though. Depressing music doesn't bother me in the least, it kind of relaxes me. Check your pm for my location, I trust you'll keep it under wraps.
I'm afraid that decision is up to you. I can't make decisions for other people.
You would not believe how I found that Grimoire, I bought for 50 cents at a thrift store. I always have that kind of luck. I once found the first edition of The Jungle Book for 25 cents at a book store, guess those people did not know what they had.
I love Black Sabbath! I went to a concert in Virginia a few years ago it was awesome! I also like Ozzy!
I am sure you have heard of Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motor Head, Metallica, and Raven.
Just to warn you about Glory to the brave song itself is good but it is really depressing. Makes me think of King Arthur going to Avalon.
What state do you live in?
IDK, do you think it's a good idea? If so sure, I'll try anything once or twice. I should try the amethyst stone, I already have citrine because I've read it's good for success. I have questions about this White Witch song. I enjoyed what I heard of Witchfinder General. :D Especially R.I.P. They put me in the mind of Sabbath, particularly on Death Penalty, which is pretty cool. I love Sabbbath & Ozzy's solo work too. Hammerfall sounds like the type of band I could workout to. I'm listening to Glory to the Brave album now. I have Appalachian mountains too. Pretty aren't they? And don't be so modest, you're interesting, not dull. For the second time you've sent me to google, this time to learn the meaning of grimoire. :P I'll be dressing up, I do every year. I'm not sure as what yet though. Just wanna have some fun Halloween night.
Hmmmm, I have a few harmless banishment spells in my grimoire. They don't send your target into another demention, they just make them buzz off for a good while. Want me too lend you one? Sure I can cast protection spells on my self, lots of them are very simple. Putting an amethyst stone in your wallet prevents pickpockets from nabbing your wallet. Hope you enjoy those bands, I would hand you a list of other good bands, but that would be a long list. I spend my Halloween up at my sisters apartment in Appalachian mountains. I am not at all extraordinary I am just another dull human being.
Or if I don't go up there I dress up as Mr. Hide and terrorize the neighborhood J/k.
Cool. :) Oh it's OK. I actually didn't know all of that about the baphomet. I know practically nothing about these things. Most of what I've heard came from movies, which probably isn't the best education for such matters. :P Can you use magic to protect yourself? Ah shucks. I try to be cool, I'm usually pretty awkward though. You sound like an extraordinary boy yourself. I'm going to youtube these bands tonight. I'm in serious need of new music! How do you usually spend Halloween?