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Conversation Between Repo'd and anglewitch
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 52
  1. Repo'd
    09-13-2016 01:44 PM
    That's a pretty serious roar.
  2. anglewitch
    09-13-2016 12:29 PM
  3. anglewitch
    09-07-2016 09:08 PM
    Danke. :)

    Schlaf gut.

    (thanks. :)
    Sleep well)
  4. Repo'd
    09-07-2016 08:34 PM
    Cool! You'll be my go to Warlock if I ever give it a try.

    Sleep well!
  5. anglewitch
    09-07-2016 08:31 PM
    Oh haha! Lol.
    Gardening is one of my many hobbies. If you ever start gardening be sure to ask me and Deadbadthings for tips.

    Gute Nacht.
  6. Repo'd
    09-07-2016 08:17 PM
    lol! I see. Naw, it says I like gardens. I like looking at them, spending time in and around them but I don't do any gardening.
  7. anglewitch
    08-27-2016 07:53 PM
    I went into your about me tab and read that one of your interests is gardening.
  8. Repo'd
    08-27-2016 02:41 PM
    Why do you ask?
  9. anglewitch
    08-25-2016 10:21 PM
    What kind of gardening do you do?
  10. anglewitch
    08-17-2016 01:03 PM
    Well not all of them attract trouble I don't Know why I said they did in the first place. They are just unpopular an then get buried in the back. My most popular one so far was the Famous Freaks thread. It was a thread about how we should treat freaks with respect. Then someone said "Yes, we must not laugh at the short or the fat". Then I made the major mistake of posting this " Well fat people are a different case 90% of the time they do it to themselves". Boy that was a mistake! I should have named the thread fat people because after that post everyone on the forum started talking about the overweight instead of freaks. There were probably only 4 or 5 posts about famous freaks and 30 posts about fat people.

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