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anglewitch anglewitch is offline

I am the turtle lord

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Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 694
  1. The Bloofer Lady
    04-17-2015 04:06 PM
    The Bloofer Lady
    Gosh, I've only been here a year myself. I don't think Newb was ever banned. I think he's pretty well-thought of here. And I don't think he was V. But he did go away for awhile.
  2. The Bloofer Lady
    04-17-2015 10:59 AM
    The Bloofer Lady
    Oh good..but a cane would have been pretty cool.
  3. Raegan
    04-16-2015 02:38 PM
    thanks, i know about the stinger falling off. Just asking because when I sit out back to read these HUGE bumble bees dive bomb me and I try to hold still but then they hover, staring at my like they're gonna attack. Anyway thank you.
  4. Raegan
    04-13-2015 02:33 PM
    those big fat bumblebees, they sting or not?
  5. The Bloofer Lady
    04-12-2015 12:16 PM
    The Bloofer Lady
    You're going to have to start walking with a cane. You'll look very distinguished.
  6. MichaelMyers
    04-12-2015 10:13 AM
    I'm busy too, it is Anglewitch Movie Theatre not Myers Movie Theatre, lol. Maybe post a link to a film next time you're on and make the film a 24/7 thing. The audience is growing.
  7. MichaelMyers
    04-05-2015 10:36 AM
    I've never seen this slasher warlock. Excited for Saturday. Reserve your seats now.
  8. The Bloofer Lady
    04-04-2015 02:51 PM
    The Bloofer Lady
    how was the restaurant? It sounded delightful! Did you just go alone with your folks or is your sister home?
  9. Raegan
    04-03-2015 01:18 PM
    awwwwww no good
  10. Raegan
    04-03-2015 01:10 PM
    it depends on what you did to it but ice always helps, or a frozen bag of veggies

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    Wtf do you want?


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  • Last Activity: 11-15-2024 12:19 AM
  • Join Date: 09-22-2014
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