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Old 10-13-2013, 01:23 AM
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anicat anicat is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Posts: 14
I've never cared for the torture side of the horror genre, so don't have much experience in that. And agree with Kandarian Demon, violence for violence sake is a turn off for me.

Absolutely agree with realdealblues, I LOVE creepy atmosphere. I don't need to see the monster graphically spelled out to the smallest detail, my imagination can do that just fine, thank you very much. Or if the VFX has created something awesome, then use it with an eye to not play ALL the cards, leave some unseen to build the mystery, the drama, the scare.

I might be a bit desensitized, in that having seen SFX/VFX/SFXMUA in action, it takes away some of the magic. "Is that a box of exploded person? Cool! And geez, three gallons of blood? What are we doing that you need so much?" But give me the new Headless Horseman on Sleepy Hollow, that uber-creeptastic Undead Deputy...and that horrible half-seen demon...and I'm right back in the drama moment, enjoying those dark scenes every bit as much as I ever did. :)
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