Thread: Found footage
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Old 07-06-2021, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by ImmortalSlasher View Post
I still haven't seen Cloverfield. That was one of those Bad Robot hype movies that just didn't interest me. I'll see it eventually though. I'm more interested in the sequels than the original.

I just remember Abrams hyping the Escape from LA poster image in the movie. And also seeing the usual scene in Abrams either directed or produced movies, which is the bunch of strangers pretending to have fun and some kind of party or gathering. It's just superficial to me.
I hear ya. But I can just tell you about the movie.

I saw Cloverfield in the movie theatre which is a very unique experience. I wish you could see it on the big screen. Found footage naturally is mostly handheld close-up stuff. Seeing that on the big screen is a visual trip. Also, with Cloverfield, the director (Matt Reeves) had to get creative with shots to give a bit of a mesh between close-up and deeper field and wider shots.

Well, I don't expect you'll ever see it on the big screen, but hopefully you'll be able to make your first viewing as much of a theatre experience as you can... you know, your biggest screen, your best audio, at night, lights out, no distractions.

Anyway, the film itself... With the opening segment the director didn't need to make quite so shaky. A number of folks in the theatre were getting ill. I think one of my party left. But it was trippy to see, and it was visually engrossing, you quickly feel part of the group, but still uneasy.

After that opening scene, thankfully they cut the shakiness way down, and the photorealistic imagery takes over. It's impressive and immersive throughout. I won't give anything away, but the film delivers the first-person experience of a giant monster movie. I thought it was a one of a kind experience, done quite well.

The relationship of the young adults in the film... meh, I didn't find it significant, not particularly unreal or annoying. They just seemed like normal young adults. Wasn't preachy, and they acted fairly reasonable under the bizarre circumstances, as I recall. It's not a great character driven story, it's more of a visceral horror film type experience.

I've saw Cloverfield Paradox... the films have zero relation. Different writers, different director, not found footage. 10 cloverfield lane, same thing. No relation.

Last edited by Sculpt; 07-06-2021 at 07:06 PM.
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