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Old 09-03-2003, 12:35 AM
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Amelie Amelie is offline
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Cadaver Dog Handler Accused of Planting Evidence

This woman is messed up!!

* * * * *

"After two frustrating decades, police thought they were about to crack the case of a missing black woman believed to have been murdered in a racially motivated attack.

One big reason for their optimism was Sandra M. Anderson, celebrated trainer and handler of cadaver-sniffing dogs. She had agreed to join the search of a forest and bring along Eagle, a canine with a reputation as a whiz at finding human remains.

But Anderson and Eagle found no sign of the missing woman, Cherita Thomas. Instead, during her third and final visit to the woods, Anderson herself was taken away in handcuffs, accused of planting bones at the scene.

The indictment contends Anderson faked evidence in several cases in Michigan and Ohio. Not only did she plant bones in search areas, it says, but she also used her own body fluids to stain a saw blade, coins and a piece of cloth."

Full story here.
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